Question: Help with my axolotl!


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Jul 9, 2008
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Mexico City
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Mario Rodriguez
Hello my name is mario from Mexico, I just bought an Axolotl the other day, and well... I don't know if it was unhealthy from the aquarium but, well it doesn't want food, its constantly going to the surface for oxygen, and it usually doesn't remain on the bottom of the aquarium. I have a 40lt tank, approx 50x30x25cm, I have a small Dophin KF-150 Internal filter of 220V/50Hz with a flow of 170L/HR. I put Methylene Blue, Anti Chlorine and Acriflavine (I was instructed so it wouldn't get any disease) I'm feeding it with live fish, small fish, he just doesn't want them, I know he is sick, so please please help me!
Well first, what are your water parameters? Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, ph. Also, what is the temperature? These factors could effect whether the axolotl would eat or not. And referring to the things you added, I would think all you need to add is the Anti Chlorine. There are other treatments for disease that are safer for your pet. It sounds like your animal isn't sick, but instead stressed, wich can be because of bad water quality, temp., waterflow, etc. You can simply prevent your axolotl from getting sick by providing good living conditions. I would try offering different food other than fish. Like earthworms. these are very good food for your axolotl. You should go to It provides all of the information you need in order to care for your animal.
Thanks, well I really don't know much about it, I read a lot about axolotls, but i've never kept one, so i'm just starting to know about that just now. So I have no idea about the water, apparently Mexico City's water is perfect in levels of nitrate and ph (since the axolotls come from here) I think my Filter doesn't do the job well... and well, I've kept light out of the aquarium and I'm trying to find ways of making the water cooler, but its still 18° approx.
18C is fine, anything up to 20C is fine for an Axie. I wouldn't worry unless it goes above that.
Hola Mario,

If your axolotl is new in its aquarium, your aquarium water is going through a cycle. To confirm this, you will need test kits for testing the different water parameters: ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Do not get the plastic dip strips, because these LIE and can threfore pose a danger. You need test kits that come with little jars or test tubes, and dropper bottles with chemicals for testing the above paramters.

Information on cycling is available here:

In the meantime, you need to change the aquarium water. It is burning your axolotl and he is having trouble breathing. You need to remove 20% of the water and replace it with fresh, declorinated water. You need to do this every day until your aquarium has finished its cycle and the ammonia and nitrite values are both 0.

Please do not let the pet store sell you something called "starter bacteria" as they do not work. Just do 20% water changes each day and keep testing your water.

Most of go through this our first time, so try not to freak out. And welcome to the world of axolotls! :happy:

Please do not let the pet store sell you something called "starter bacteria" as they do not work.
I don't know Eva. There is this one product called BioSpira that will help you cycle your tank alot faster. Many fish keepers use it.
There is this one product called BioSpira that will help you cycle your tank alot faster. Many fish keepers use it.

That is indeed true and general concensus is that BioSpira does work. It is also reputed to be difficult to find, which is why I didn't mention it. Sorry to generalize. :eek:

thank you so much, he looks way better now, i just have to go and get some more food for him. It's funny/ironic that it is the mexican the one that doesn't know anything about taking care of these creatures. Thanks for your help
Hi. Mario.

Maybe you are not actually having an axolotl (ambystoma mexicanum) because it is very difficult to get them in Mexico, what you usually buy on markets are ambystoma tigrinum which most of the time becomes a salamander.

A photos of your axolotl can help to determine if is really an axolotl.

Hi Mario,

I had problems with anti-chlorine water treatment once. It caused my poor axolotl to thrash around!!! I took out about 1/3 of the tank water and replaced it with untreated water. After that everything was fine. I think it is important to be really careful that water treatments are measured out correctly, or even use a little bit less than it says on the bottle.

I hope this may be of some use. Good luck with your axie!
Yeah I know about that. I'm pretty sure its an ambystoma mexicanum, he comes from a farm of Zoologists in the University of Mexico, he came with papers and everything (pretty fancy if you ask me haha). The farm specialises on breeding this little animals to save their population specially here where its pretty scarce.... The ones they can't free they sell as pets or something. but i'll post photos soon
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