help with identifying pregnant rough skinned newt?


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Apr 14, 2009
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Oregon, USA
United States
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Well I'm kinda guessing they are rough skinned newts since we live in oregon and they were at the park. Anyways first heres what happened. Some neighbor children found them on the toddler park which happens to be next to a frog spawning area. They wanted to talk they're parents into letting them keep them. They're parents said no so they brought them to me "the reptile lady." Anyways due to they're habitat being next to a toddler playground I couldnt really morally get myself to bring them back down their, 1. because a toddler might try to eat one and get really sick. Or they would just end up run down by stampedes of children.

Anyways they're are two lizards they are pretty small mabie 4 to 5 inches long including the tail. One is extremely smooth and small, while the bigger one is rough really unproportionally fat with a hard stomache, lots of bumps on the skin too. I was wondering if it might be pregnant. The kids said they saw the lizards "mounting eachother alot"

Anyways I have the two in a 20 gallon tank right now, halfway full of water with lots of real bamboo plants and some fake plants and a large wooden house thingy which provides them with about 1/3rd of the tank space above water.

If one of the lizards does have eggs, do I need to change anything? Seperate lizards? Lower water level?

And also how do I tell which kind of orange bellied lizard they are, Im only assuming they are rough skinned lizards?
the smooth lizard:






And now the fatter rougher lizard invades the camera shots




and here is the aquarium just to make sure i did it right, this is the first newt ive ever had lol anymore ideas for the tank would be loved, Im putting duckweed in tomorrow.




Well they are not lizards lol, they are amphibians, the best give away of an amphibian to a lizard (including salamanders) is the throught moves up and down rapidly when breathing :D like a frog, which is a quick way i've learned as a kid the differece between a salamander/newt and a lizard. Anyhow, the tank looks to be ok, if you put any plants in there id use only what is found in the stream, dont put straight (untreated) tap water into the tank Its got chlorine and cloramines in it that may hard the newt, via the skin, (they also do ingest a bit of oxygen absorbed through the skin as adults in the aquatic phase) If you plan on keeping them indefinatly i would suggest a small "turtle filter" that is fully submergeable and definatly a cover for the tank, they are good climbers. I couldnt see from the pics if ya had one on there or not.

As for the pregnancy well, not to sure what that entails, that one there looks about to lay eggs, and if there is males in the group they may or may not get fertilized, and they theres what to do with the larvae.

Best of luck im sure there is somone much smarter than me to answer this, but i figured it do my best :D

oh and also, they may eat frozen Bloodworms or you can try good old earthworms too :)
Dont worry I use herp drops to kill chlorine, I have snakes and iguanas who also find chlorine toxic. And yes at the moment they're is a lid, these turtle filters? What do they look like? Would I be able to find one at a normal petstore like petsmart or is it something I need to find online?
ive got mine at petsmart, if you look at my post named Giant fire bellys here in the help forums you can see it behind my female mystery newt. They are a dew different types you can get a good place to look is here thats what ive got and is doing great. and wasnt to awful expensive
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