Help with identifying firebelly newts please



<font color="aa00aa">Helloue

I was hoping that some of you could
be so friendly to help me identify my cynops

I thought for the longest time that I had indeed
cynops Orientalis here are a few pics...

tail shot

Einar my skinny pooh

This is Eva, she/he has diffrend color than the rest...

A belly shot...

Now the reason I am second guessing myself here is
that I was given today my fifth Cynops and ohh boy is this girl diffrend...

She is more brownish, her tail is totally blunt, lines of red dots on either side of the back and is alot bigger, has diffrend facial expression too...

I would at first taken her for a C. pyrrhogaster but the very blunt tail is as you say orientalis should be? Shouldn't they?

Or she could be a pyrrhogaster kanto, the tail is rather short and very blunt...

Hope you can help me on this one, I'm totally lost
now, I will try to get pictures of the new lady the
ones I already took suck *blushes*

thoe definitely are c. orientalis.
The weird colored one could be a male in breeding phase or just a funky colored one, but still orientalis.
<font color="aa00aa">Okay, good to know, they've been so since
I got them (in my mind atleast) not sure I could
handle them "changing" lol
I do belive the weird colored one is in fact male

Now I did get some pics of the new lady, really
pretty girl, the pics are not good though hope
you can help me out with this one too

This is her "browinsh" color but only
in the water, above she is jet black...

Her underside...

She is 14cm in length, way bigger than my other cynops

Tail very blunt


On land

I was orginally going to house her with my
other cynops but she is so big and probably not
the same species *shock*
So I put her in this 150L (c.a. 40gallon) aqarium I had ready
incase of emergencyies...

Does anyone know were from she is?
<font color="aa00aa">Wow yes it is!
I was so sure that she was a cynops
with that red belly, would never have guessed
to look else were

Thanks a million!
Hi Vicky,

Please do not post links. Please use the upload attachment button to post the pictures.

It is against the polices here to post links to pictures.

Hi Ed - I thought it was only in the "Photo Gallery" that links to pics was against policy..? I dont see anything on any other part of the site that states links are not allowed here..? Did I miss something in the headers or on the top of the pages that says different..? I myself have posted links before in this same section and Ive never had any tell me it wasnt allowed.
While it is listed in the photo gallery it is pretty much across the whole site..
It may be because we have had more people posting links lately...

<font color="aa00aa">ohh sorry, my bad, I had problems with uploading the attachments, (have used it before with no prob)

so when I couldn't figure it out now I though links would have to do

Is it possible that I can't upload from the internet?
Or was the problem something else? </font>

(Message edited by Vicky_Rut on December 15, 2006)
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