Help with Giant Chinese Newt Paramesotriton


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May 7, 2007
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Jessica J. Miller
Does anyone have a proper husbandry break down for Paramesotriton hongkongensis or P. chinensis? We were told not to keep them in water but to keep them mostly terrestrial and wet with water dish. They're doing horribly. Will they eat small crickets? So far they aren't- so what else is readily available I can feed them?
both of those you list are mostly aquatic species-so the recommended care is bogus. hong kongs have been picky eaters for me, chinensis do better. both can be fed bloodworm cubes or chunks of earthworms in their water. both are known as a semi aggressive species so they can bully each other, and the less dominant ones will easily go off feed-keep an eye on their weight. when in good health and not bullied (and thus really shy) both will eat crickets. water should be 72F or below for best comfort-chinensis are known to tollerate a little more temps but this is not ideal. i keep a box filter with my chinensis-this moves the water as well as keeping it clear, for my hong kongs i use a duetto system to create more of a stream flow.
thanks guys i put them in an aquatic environment with some bloodworms and they seem to be improving. all though the little buggers sure will mistake each others feet, tails and even heads for food! ill keep an eye on 'em
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