I'm not sure if any of you remember me, but earlier this year I aquired an adult P. Hongkongenisis and posted a few pics of him and such. Well, a few days ago I found him dead and stuck to the filter. I'm not sure if he died from being stuck to the filter or if he was just old, because he hadn't been looking too good for the past month, but he had been eating. I also just moved recently and it could have possibly been the stress from that. I'm not sure. He also could have been very old, for I had not idea how old he was, only that he was an adult.
Today, I got what I believe is a juvenille C. pyrrhogastor. I know it's a pyrrhogastor, but not sure about the juvenille part. He is definitely aquatic, but also seems to like staying on the rocks more than my hongkongenisis did. He is definitely of the hiroshima variety, for his belly is mostly orange with black spots and that was the only listed with spots. He is about 2 inches long and a dark black, and very smooth. Not sure if he's male or female. If he is a juvenille should I lower the water level a bit? Also, they had pinhead crickets in the tank with them, and the attendant said he had seen them eat them. My other newt ate mostly feeder fish and ghost shrimp, so I'm a bit lost on what exactly to feed. Also, should I remove the filter and get a smaller one, incase that could be why my other died? SO CONFUSED!!! Please help with any information other than the care sheet you have!!! Thanks so much!!!
(Message edited by ladyeadaoin on December 28, 2003)
Today, I got what I believe is a juvenille C. pyrrhogastor. I know it's a pyrrhogastor, but not sure about the juvenille part. He is definitely aquatic, but also seems to like staying on the rocks more than my hongkongenisis did. He is definitely of the hiroshima variety, for his belly is mostly orange with black spots and that was the only listed with spots. He is about 2 inches long and a dark black, and very smooth. Not sure if he's male or female. If he is a juvenille should I lower the water level a bit? Also, they had pinhead crickets in the tank with them, and the attendant said he had seen them eat them. My other newt ate mostly feeder fish and ghost shrimp, so I'm a bit lost on what exactly to feed. Also, should I remove the filter and get a smaller one, incase that could be why my other died? SO CONFUSED!!! Please help with any information other than the care sheet you have!!! Thanks so much!!!
(Message edited by ladyeadaoin on December 28, 2003)