I have a P.hongkongensis, and though I have found SOME information, there isn't much. I know WHAT to feed him and what I know he eats (ghost shrimp fromt he place I bought him, I've seen him eat them) but WHEN do I feed him? How often? Should I leave the live shrimp in the tank. He doesn't seem annoyed by them, but I've only seen him eat once. Right after I set the tank up and he got settled, I saw him munch down on a couple. I'm not a big worm or cricket person, but I could cut up dead worms. Should I feed him some of those every now and then? How do I feed him, just like put it in the water or hold it for him? Should I remove the shrimp from the tank and only put a few in when I should feed him? I'm SO LOST!!! HELP!!!