I just recently got into keeping FBN and a variety of different frogs. About a month ago , I bought a young FBN from a local aquarium store, brought him home, and everything was fine until a week ago, he was eating fine, getting along with the others, active. And now, he wont eat, he'll come up on land for hours at a time and his skin is really dry and cracked. Just looking at him I know there is something wrong, I dont know what caused this and what I should do, could someone please help? I dont know whats wrong or what to do, I'm new to all of this and no one seems to have the answers (especially not the ******** that I bought him from) Thanks!!
(Edited for language - JM)
(Message edited by jennewt on June 10, 2005)
(Edited for language - JM)
(Message edited by jennewt on June 10, 2005)