Help qith impacted axolotl


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Jan 11, 2024
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Hello. I have a leucistic axolotl that has not pooped for more than 3 weeks. He usually pooped every 5 days, but for some reason he stopped pooping.
He lives in a 20 gallon long tank and has fine sand substrate (pool sand), and has always been hand fed with tweezers, so no risk of gravel ingestion. He has been eating mainly shrimp and some earthworms. He still eats very enthusiastically but after a couple days he regurgitates most or all of it. He does not look or act ill but given that he was pretty regular with his pooping schedule, I am now really concerned.
His water parameters are good (0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 10 nitrate), his tank is fully cycled, he lives at a steady 16 degree temperature maintained by a water chiller.
I took him to a vet who only confirmed he is impacted, which I suspected given that I have not seen him poop for about 23 days now. He gave him small doses of metoclopramide but that has not worked yet.
Yesterday I decided to fridge him for the first time. Really nervous about this but I’ve read that this really helps in this situation so hoping for the best. His temperature is at 5-6 degrees, as this is the consensus in this forum.

Any other help or pointers you guys could give me? Thanks!
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