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New member
Jul 14, 2023
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9 Avon Buildings
United Kingdom
My axolotl has a piece missing of his head. It has been there for a week and I have tried talking to a few people about it but no luck. I did a water change shortly after I noticed it to see if the problem was something to do with the water but it didnt seem to help. Anyone know what it is?
read Axolotls - Requirements & Water Conditions in Captivity to find ingredients for holtfreters and use 100% holtfreters + 0.2g/l magnesium sulphate, swab area with potassium permanganete (repeat every two days) as well as giving 10 min bath per 24 hr methylene blue + acriflavin (both available at pet shops, use half fish dose, use together), may require additional antibiotic via vet, for more info look up pseudomonas infection.
wash hands before and after interaction, tub axolotl, tank may need full strip clean with bleach and hydrogen peroxide, filter will need full strip and clean, all media replaced, anything that goes in the tank will need either cleaning or replacing, tank cycle will be destroyed and need recycling.
read Axolotls - Requirements & Water Conditions in Captivity to find ingredients for holtfreters and use 100% holtfreters + 0.2g/l magnesium sulphate, swab area with potassium permanganete (repeat every two days) as well as giving 10 min bath per 24 hr methylene blue + acriflavin (both available at pet shops, use half fish dose, use together), may require additional antibiotic via vet, for more info look up pseudomonas infection.
wash hands before and after interaction, tub axolotl, tank may need full strip clean with bleach and hydrogen peroxide, filter will need full strip and clean, all media replaced, anything that goes in the tank will need either cleaning or replacing, tank cycle will be destroyed and need recycling.
I have two axolotls in the same tank but only one has it.
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    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
    My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple of pellets to see if she would eat. One hit her head and she flipped out. Started darting all around the tank. Temp, ammonia, nitrates are all in range. Anyone know why this is happening? I pu
    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1