Help! Need to remove gravel from tank and sand questions


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Jan 25, 2013
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United States
Okay so before I got my axolotl I had a 10 gallon set up with some small gravel. I figured when I got the little guy he'd be fine bc he was too small to eat it. Well now he's gotten bigger and I saw him accidentally eat and spit up a piece today.

What is the easiest way to get the gravel out without re-doing the whole tank???????

Also, if I wanted to add sand could I do that with water already in the tank? I know that it takes a while to settle. Any tips/guides?

My problem is that I don't have a big holding tank. My lotl is only about 3 inches right now so I wont need anything too big but will it be bad for him to leave him in a .5 gallon or 1 gallon for a day??

Please help!
I have 2.5" axies in seperate tuperware containers(9"X12"X4") they seem to be doing fine, and its their permanent house untill they get out of the canabilistic stage/ I can get a tank cycled(One problem after another after another!)

the most important thing you can do right now is to get the gravel out asap and get the axie in a safer container temporarly. So I wouldn't think it would be mean to keep it in a smaller container until the gravel is out
Put him in a container that gives him room to walk a little(for temporary purposes obviously) . buy sand that is a bigger grains this way the sand will settle within a couple minuets. now you can do two things.
1 if you want the fastest way to put sand in the tank with out taking anything out just simple pour the sand in the tank, it will run through the gravel and fill the spaces between the rocks. do this until sand is a few CM above the gravel. fast easy no hassel.
2shovel out the gravel and then pour the sand into the tank. this will take time but is the best way to go.

wash the sand thoroughly unless it says live sand
To remove the gravel you can use a slotted spoon or your hand to remove as much as possible - then sweep the remaining gravel into a pile until its all gone :)

To replace with sand rinse the aquarium sand or Playsand really really well (then rinse again!) to rinse it put a small amount into a bucket then run under the tap outside fill the bucket 3/4 full use your hand to agitate the sand like a washing machine - wait for it to settle a little then pour off the dusty water - repeat until rinsed water is clear / repeat till all sand rinsed :)

When ready to add to tank - turn off your filter & any air pumps!

Keep the sand wet & pour over some dechlorinated water so it's soaking in water in a bucket - take a large plastic cup / bowl or container & scoop it full of the wet sand - gently put the cup into the tank water & lower slowly to the bottom (the sand will stay in the cup mostly) then when at the bottom gently pour out the sand then you can spread it out slowly without mucking up the water too badly. Leave it to settle for 1-2hrs then turn on your filter.

It might take 12-24hrs to totally settle but that's a general guide to changing :)

I look forward to photos of the new set up.

<3 >o_o< <3
Okay thanks - I wasn't sure how small of a container I could keep him in. I have a few decent sized ones but they seem so small compared to his 10 gallon -_-

I read a few guides that said I can just scoop out the gravel with a tupperware and then slowly put rinsed play sand on top
Yup- but definitely get the gravel out. Axolotls often fancy themselves amateur gardeners, and particularly like digging, so leaving it free floating isn't going to be an option long-term. Also, don't feel worried about the water being cloudy for a few days- your axie will have no trouble with it :)
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