Help my Salamander?!


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Jun 28, 2009
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United Kingdom

I am begining to worry about this guy now, i know Ive only had him for like what? 2 days but he still hasnt eaten, I asked Ben (someone onm RFUK who keeps ALOT of these) about it he said wait till about wednesday before expecting them to eat so gnna wait till then before i start to get panicky XD (I got the salamander on saturday)

He seems very lathargic when I got him out hes alret and walked around my hand quite fastly. but I put him back in the tank 10 mins ago and hes just sitting on top of the log exactly where I put him not moving, I think hes gone back to sleep.

He doesn even take a glance at his food when its near him it just walks past him.

Should I be worrying?
If you get a new salamander it's usually pretty stressed out because of the new environment it's in. The fact that he doesn't eat is a sign of that. Salamanders can go a while without food, so don't worry. He'll start eating soon.
Salamanders are not very active animals (they don't run around), and most of them are nocturnal.
The reason he moves a lot on your hand is because your hand is warm and he might feel unsafe (exposed) and wants to find a hiding place.
Ok thanks, when I put him into the tank after taking this pic he didnt move, hes still in the same spot I put him earlie, im just gnna turn the lights off maybe hell move abit ifits dark.
Like damien said I bet the little (well, not so little) dude is just a bit stressed out. One of my tigers recently went through a stressful experience as well, and refused to eat for a good five days or so. I did notice as the days wore on he became more and more interested in his food; he'd watch the wiggling worms more and kind of nudge them with his head. Anyway, I'd say just be patient and don't bug him, and he'll be eating in no time. He looks very healthy otherwise. :)
well he crapped today, which is a good sign, and i examined the **** and there was remains of a cricket there and it was solid.

I might get him some waxworms see if he wants them.
just the fact that hes not eaten, i know he ate before i got him due to the fact he crapped.
I was just on vacation for 12 days and all my adult sals (including fire sals) were unfed for that time. And all of them look just the same as when I left. You really don't need to worry yet. Does the tank have plenty of hiding places? Totally leave the sal alone (no moving the hides to see where he is). Let him adjust in peace.

Have you owned a sal before? You say he is lethargic, but this may just be normal behavior. They aren't very active. What's the temperature in the room?
Is it Wc or CB? If it´s WC which is likely given that is a big adult, then it´s very normal that the poor thing is stressed out and not eating.
Make sure you are providing the right temps, and the right housing. Do not disturbe it, and keep it in a shady place with many hides.

You should NOT be handling your salamander. They become stressed with human contact, and it´s potentially dangerous for their skins. Try to avoid toching it unless absolutely necessary.
I was just on vacation for 12 days and all my adult sals (including fire sals) were unfed for that time. And all of them look just the same as when I left. You really don't need to worry yet. Does the tank have plenty of hiding places? Totally leave the sal alone (no moving the hides to see where he is). Let him adjust in peace.

Have you owned a sal before? You say he is lethargic, but this may just be normal behavior. They aren't very active. What's the temperature in the room?

Last two days he's been very active, like ecspecially at night, and no ive not owned a salamander before, so its probably the normal behavior.

Is it Wc or CB? If it´s WC which is likely given that is a big adult, then it´s very normal that the poor thing is stressed out and not eating.
Make sure you are providing the right temps, and the right housing. Do not disturbe it, and keep it in a shady place with many hides.

You should NOT be handling your salamander. They become stressed with human contact, and it´s potentially dangerous for their skins. Try to avoid toching it unless absolutely necessary.

I think its CB but I couldnt really be sure, its about 5 inches and I think a male, the temps are fine and I know about handling amphibians.
he passed waste again guys but still nto eating.
Try to describe it´s housing conditions(or upload a photo which is faster and more efficient), specially, temps, moisture, light, etc.
Feed it earthworms, see if that triggers a better reaction.
About being WC or CB, where did you get it from?
His setup is fine, the eco earth looks abit low but theres about 4 - 5 inches in most of the tank, i just made it uneven to make it more naturalistic, temp about 18C atm.

Im pretty sure hes CB I got him from a local petshop.

If bought in a pet-shop then it´s definitely WC. You should know that WC S.salamandra are illegally caught(with the possible-pending confirmation- exception of S.s.salamandra from the Ukraine) mianly in France and Spain. I´m saying this so that you know, and in the future avoid contributing to the ilegal smuggle of our precious animals.

As for the tank, it would benefit from more hiding places, and perhaps some moss/leaf litter to avoid the soil getting stuck to the salamander. Temps sound fine. You need to provide excelent ventilation, as S.salamandra are prone to skin problems if the air is stale. A screen lid is your best option. Make sure you provide different humidity levels through the tank, with hiding places in the different areas, so that it can decide where it´s more comfortable. Avoid bright light, a shady area with as little noise as possible will help.
I doubt its illegally wc the pet shop is pretty good with that and he breeds alot of stuff himself he has over 500 baby snakes hatch the other month, i know snakes are different to breed but still...
There is very little chance that the sal is CB. Sorry to say. When adult fire sals show up in the pet trade, they are WC. Yes, people breed them, but they almost always sell them as juveniles, not adults. (Speaking as a breeder, I can tell you that it's a lot of work to raise these guys; it would never make sense for me to raise them all the way to the 5-inch size before selling them! The only way I would ever be selling a 5-inch CB sal would be if I were selling off my breeding stock. It happens, but it's pretty darned rare.) Even the pet shop owner may not know the truth. In any case, the sal is where he is.

The temperature is right. Exactly what foods have you tried to offer, and how were they offered (in a dish, loose in the tank, etc)?
well i try tweezer feedng, leting the food roam around, puting it in front of him all of them not working however i put 4 crickets in the tank and now they are ALL gone no where to be found hopeflly hes eaten in the night but he still wouldnt eat in front of me when I just tryed him.
I can see you have got him in coco fiber (if I am right?) and one hiding place, might I suggest you try putting some back grounding on the back of his tank, and maybe a couple of live plants?, but other than that your tank setup looks good.

thanks, he can hide in the plants and he has done before.
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