Help Me set up my tank: California Newts



*Waves* Hi everyone! I’m the proud owner of a C.o that I’ve had for what’s coming up on one year now. I’ve been admiring a trio of California Newts at my local pet shop for quite some time, and today when I saw them hunting crickets–well, I think it’s time to bring these little guys home.

I have some questions though.

I want to have the tank set up for them prior to purchase, but want to get the tank set up relatively soon. So here’s what I’m working with:
A 5 ½ gallon tank (with hood)
An underwater fluval filter (the filter pads I buy for it are ‘1 plus’...if this hints at what type it is)
A heap of fish tank gravel

Here’s what I’m looking to create:
A half aquatic(3 or 4 inches deep?)/half possibly soil substrate
Grass (maybe?) In the soil amongst other plants in the water and land

Here is the information I’m hoping that some of you will be willing to share with me:

-Is the pet store accurate when they tell me that the temperature for the California newt is about room temp, or anything below 80? Not too cool, not too hot?

-Is there some sort of guide to substrate anywhere online? Would I just purchase garden soil? And what about charcoal? I’ve seen several of you talking about it...where do I get these things? I don’t see them at my pet stores?

-Moss. Is there a particular type that I should aim for if I wish to have it in my tank? What do I need to do to keep it alive?

-Grass. Is wheat grass okay? It grows thick and quickly, making it ideal for my tank setup. Is there any type of grass that would be better? Should I *not* use wheat grass?

-Is the fluval filter okay? (Is it okay *not* to use a filter at all? I’ haven’t been using a filter with the C.o and he seems happier without the current, but the California Newts are a bit bigger, so it makes sense that they’d be up for a bit more of a current–but again, this would only be in 4 inches of half of a 5 gallon tank)

-How many of these newts should I get? The pet store has three in a ten gallon, their set up includes a variety of wood and some sort of moss with a dish (about 8 inches diameter..inch of water maybe) of water for them. I go to this pet store -a lot- and the newts are -always- in the water dish. How ideal of a set up is this?

-Does anyone have any tips or pointers with this? The set up I desire? These particular newts? Their diets? (I’ve read the caresheet) but any personal tips you have would be greatly appreciated and welcome.


Thanks for all the input! I'm going back to the store tomorrow, going to have a long hard look at the newts and try to determine what they are from the care sheets--this is one of the best pet stores I've --ever-- been too though, they tend to know their stuff. And I don't know if I'm misunderstanding you or I gave the wrong impression, but I live in Arizona, not in CA--so wouldn't it be somewhat likely that I might stumble across a california newt here?

The five gallon -is- temporary, but I'd like to get it set up nicely for them for the time they
-will- be in there given that it is so small.

I have some more specific questions about the grass though--if not wheat grass what kind? And how might I go about growing it? If I do decide to go with wheat grass, I would periodically sprinkle more seeds in the soil--but would the seeds be in any way harmful to the newts? I mean, they wouldn't try and eat them would they? (this might seem like a ridiculous question, but I'm trying to cover -all- of my bases right now).

Again, thanks for all the input Mike, I'll be sure to keep all of this in mind when setting up the tank and purchasing these beautiful little creatures.

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