I obtained a six month old lesser siren from someone off of Craigslist two weeks ago. They gave it to me in a one gallon tank with no filter and that's what it's currently in. I have a ten gallon I'm cycling for it but it's not ready yet. I am doing daily 60-75% water changes and adding Ammolock every couple days just in case. PH is about 7.4. I have to add a little baking soda to get it above 6.0 PH which is how it comes out of the tap as. Nitrites are at 0ppm. She has rocks and a live plant but no hides. I had a PVC pipe in there for about a week but she never used it. Since she won't use a hide I'm covering her tank with a towel to hopefully reduce stress.Temperature stays around 66 Fahrenheit.
As for food, the only thing I've gotten her to eat is frozen bloodworms. I've tried cut up red worms, mealworms, bits of fish, and pinhead crickets to no avail. About three days ago she stopped eating even the bloodworms. Up until then she was eating every single day. And today she has started floating towards the top of her tank. I'm really worried! I'll attach a couple pictures so you can see her condition. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
As for food, the only thing I've gotten her to eat is frozen bloodworms. I've tried cut up red worms, mealworms, bits of fish, and pinhead crickets to no avail. About three days ago she stopped eating even the bloodworms. Up until then she was eating every single day. And today she has started floating towards the top of her tank. I'm really worried! I'll attach a couple pictures so you can see her condition. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.