Help Identifying Rescue Axolotl Morph


New member
Sep 17, 2022
Reaction score
Grants Pass, OR
United States
Hello Fellow Ambystoma Enthusiasts,

First off, please forgive any formatting errors and if I'm in the wrong thread. This is my first post on Caudata.

Im reaching out for some help with morph identification and advice concerning a new rescue axolotl that joined my crew.

This beautiful, big girl just joined my home after seeing her posted on Craigslist pets. From the initial photos on CL , she looked in terrible condition. My girlfriend and I didn't need another axolotl as we already have several tanks, but couldn't bear to let her go. She was crammed in a bare bottom, 10 gallon tank that looked as if it had NEVER been cleaned. Aside from that, her toes on one foot and the tip of her tail looked high suspext of a recent rot infection. When we met with the dude getting rid of her, he procured her in a 5 gallon bucket with water in the upper 70s and visible slime coat filaments sloshing around. After a decisive tongue lashing of the owner? we got her tabbed into our ice chest and transported her home (5 hours) as quickly as possible. Over the last week in her quarantine tank, she's doing much better. She laid low in her hide for a couple days and has finally come out and showed signs of curiosity in exploring the tank.

I believe she is recovering well from her mistreatment. We've got her at a steady 64 degrees, 8.1 pH, with a low current, cycled, and well oxygenated set up. Any advice on her condition and whether I should be doing any additional treatment protocol is highly appreciated.

I'd also like some help identifying her morph. She looks copper to me (obviously) but lacks the red reflective eyes associated with copper genetics that I've read about. My other axolotls are melanoid, white albino, golden albino, wildtypes, and gfp versions of each. This is my first personal experience with a copper(presumably). Any thoughts on her genotype would be greatly appreciated. I've included some pictures at the end. Please forgive the one pic with the flash, I wanted to show how I couldn't see the red reflection.

Any other thoughts of advice are welcome. We are just glad to have found her and rescued her when we did. Not sure she would have made it much longer in the hands of the irresponsible piece of s@#$ we got her from.



10/10 cute morph...
might be a copper axanthic...???

or some other kind of axanthic...
10/10 cute morph...
might be a copper axanthic...???

or some other kind of axanthic...
Agreed!! Definitely stoked on her.

I thought about that too. Honestly, the "red eye" thing with the copper throws me off. She definitely seems to have the copper genetics. Would axanthic negate the red eye or is that just the lack of yellow pigments?
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