Help! I have a salamander in my house & he belongs outside.


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Jul 8, 2007
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United States
I live in northern Michigan in a wooded area with a pond. We have seen salamanders outside often, by the pond. Well, we had a 4th of July party and we have since noticed that a salamander has come inside the house! We need to get him back outside........but don't have a clue how to "catch" him without harming him.

Any suggestions? He has been clever, hiding under things and we can not get him. I am wondering if there is a safe trap we can set or lure him out with something?

Please share your expertise..........thanks!
I don't think this is a salamander (amphibian). Sals are slow-moving and fairly easy to catch indoors. Could it be a lizard (reptile) instead?

I don't know of any lure that would help capture a lizard. The best thing I can think of would be nets, either large fishnets or butterfly nets. Don't grab it by the tail, as the tail may break off.

Hopefully other folks will have additional suggestions.
I agree with Jen, it doesn't sound like a salamander. I would suspect one of the native skinks,

If you are good with tools you can contruct a funnel trap using some 2 or 3" PVC by adding a wide mouth funnel to the end and placing it along the walls. The slope needs to be shallow enough that the animal can climb it and get trapped in the Pvc tube (cap the other end).

Sometimes setting some newspaper sheets on the floor with a gap under them can make the animal run under the paper allowing you to pin it through the paper and remove it outside.

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