My FB newt is missing he left his tank while i was watching a movie (i know cus i said hello just before leaving for the living room). he has a bare tank except for a hide, and a 'tree ornament that doubles as a hide and rest area. the only new addition was a filter i had just added (which i suspect is how he escaped - even though i sealed off the gaps pretty well with tape and cardboard). i looked all over my room (which very small) under the bed, dresser, his self, and any place on the floor, even up inside my book self. i set out 6 shallow water dishes for him in hopes that he will hydrate himself (i really really don't want him to die). i searched till 4:00 AM and slept till 9:00 AM and immediately searched again. no sign of him i feel like crying, but i don't want to give up on him. does anyone have advice for helping me find my boy?