I recently got 4 adult marbled newts (2 males, 2 females), and am having trouble getting 3 of them to eat regularly (both males and a female). One of them eats voraciously, and seems to be getting fat. I've tried hand-feeding blood-worms and crickets, with little success. I put live crickets in their cage but I suspect the fat one is eating them all and the rest are starving. The two males look pretty skinny, and I'm beginning to get a bit concerned. I've had them for about a week now.
Does anyone have any useful tips, or suggestions as to thing that might be disturbing them? New foods to try, new feeding strategies? Things that could be making them not want to eat?
Thanks in advance,
Does anyone have any useful tips, or suggestions as to thing that might be disturbing them? New foods to try, new feeding strategies? Things that could be making them not want to eat?
Thanks in advance,