Hi, I am 14 and have been keeping firebelly nets for a year. My new female [rough skinned] firebelly newt escaped from her cage (somehow she managed to move the cellephane plastic that keeps her in her 5 gallon aquarium) and fell 4 feet from the counter where her aquarium is located to the carpet, I found about 4 or 5 feet across the floor and returned her to her cage then put three more layers of cellephane and tape on her aquarium. She seemed fine and ate her dinner (three week old cricket and a shrimp pellet) 30 minutes later. Later I found that her heater (which I put in since it is very cold and other wise her water would be too cold) had overheated to around 85-90 degrees instead of it's normal 75-78 degrees), I removed her from her aquarium and put her in a small kritter keeper with some 78 degree aquariums water, she is currently in this tank for the hour or so it will take to cool some aquarium water enough to chill her tank. She seems kind of lethargic [but it could be the fact that she is only in three inches of water), is their anything that can be done to help her? Will she be okay? I can't get my parents to take a newt to a vetrinarian this late. Is their something I can do at my house to help her? I can't find any information on newt medical emergencys on the internet, I don't know what to do about this!