Question: Help - Filter Intake too strong?


New member
Nov 30, 2015
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United States
Hello all! I recently purchased a filter for my lotl girl's tank. She doesn't seem too upset with it, but the filter intake keeps sucking her toward it. She tries to crawl away along the bottom of the tank, but doesn't get very far.

I'm concerned this will cause he stress in the future and was wondering what I can do?

I have a 30g tank, probably with about 25g of water in it (not filled all the way), and my filter is a submersible corner filter with 120gph cycling and a spray bar for reduced outflow.
How big/old is your Axolotl?

Sounds like your filter is meant for tanks with a larger volume of water!
Try putting some obstructions on the bottom of the tank to disrupt the flow towards the filter. Something heavy like a broken flower pot would provide a hiding place as well as disrupting the flow.
Sounds like your filter is meant for tanks with a larger volume of water!

Ignore my last comment, just realized the higher gph is needed to allow full filtration of the volume of water in the tank.

Disrupting the flow would indeed be the best option
Thank you both for answering :) She is about 7-8inch now. I do have some plants obstructing the intake but I'm not sure if it just isn't doing much or if she is just lazy :tongue: (she's a floater lotl usually so she just kinda goes where the water goes).

I'm worried about blocking the intake too much in fear it'll make using the filter obsolete.

(Also I checked and my type of filter GPH is recommended for about 20g of water. I intentionally bought a weaker one hoping I wouldn't have this problem.)

Edit: She does have a cave and a branch alcove she can hide in if she wanted to which are mostly free from the water flow.
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1