Help! Do I have a mudpuppy or Eastern Tiger Salamander?


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Mar 9, 2012
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United States
A few weeks ago one of these little guys showed up in the bait tank where I work. I decided his best chance at living would be if I brought him home. The fish that were in the tank with him were too big for him to eat and I didn't want him to be sold as bait.

The problem is I don't know what he is. At first the guy that drops our bait off said he was a mudpuppy, but he is now saying that he's an Eastern Tiger Salamander. Most of what I've read says that they are very similar in looks, the only difference is that a tiger salamander has five toes on his back feet.

Neville (thats what I named him) has five toes on his back feet. That is basically the only characteristic that I can find that says if he is a mudpuppy or a tiger salamander. He looks like just about every picture of a mudpuppy that I can find. Thats where I get confused. Does anybody have any information that I can use that will help me figure out if he's a mudpuppy or a tiger salamander? I have a few pictures that I've taken which I am going to try to load to see if that helps.

Also, he is about eight inches long.
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"Mudpuppy" is a generic regional term that can be applied to any number of ambytomid larva and in some areas any aquatic caudate.

We would need a picture at the least, and even then identification can be tough. It is much easier after they have morphed to terrestrial phase.

Until then, I wouldn't sweat it. They all raise up the same way- just follow the axolotl guidelines and in a few months you will have a big tiger to feed earthworms to!
These are a few pictures that I've taken. Sorry the quality isn't the best, they were taken with a cell phone.


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I've read that tiger salamanders may not always morph into their terrestrial phase. I've also read that it can take years for this to happen. Are either of these statements true

I forgot to mention earlier that he's about eight inches long.
Definetly a tiger. If you do a search of necturus maculosus (real mudpuppy) the differences are very noticeable. As said above, follow the axolotl care sheet as its the same. lose the gravel though. The larva will swollow it and it will get caught in its digestive track.
You can find a caresheet here, and a handy article here.

They may not morph, but that's pretty rare. Most morph that year, and a few will overwinter.

Lose the gravel.
Congrats - Tigers are great and I think you are lucky to get to raise it from its larval stage :)
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