Hello, I need help with an albino axolotl, s/he's about 25cm long, fat, three years old, in a nice big tank with moderate flow and good temperature control, although the water's not hard but soft (I'm in Japan). This morning we found her water all brown and gunky, it was like she had diarrhea or threw up, and wiggled around and spread the stuff around all night. We cleaned the tank and put her in new water, and there was blood coming out of the gills when we put her in new water. That stopped and she looks OK (not floating or anything) but the gills are paler then usual (the flully part especially). We noticed before that she has days where she thrashes around more than usual, and that seemed to coincide with the days she defecates, which is very rarely (eats every three days or so, defecates more than one week apart). Is my axolotl constipated? Is this a common problem?? I couldn't find any threads. We feed her mostly frozen (dead) bloodworms (but I thaw them first) and some raw fish (yep, sushi remains) like tuna. We tried some pelletted catfish food for a while before this happened (but she got tired of it), but there isn't really anything new that happened that we could pinpoint as a cause and we're totally worried. Any help will be appreciated, thank you.