Help, axolotl not eating


New member
Mar 23, 2011
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Hey, got my axolotl 2 days ago and bought beef heart and axolotl pellets. It won't eat pellets at all, the beef heart it has eaten two really small amounts. It's about 5.5 inches long. Today I bought some live earthworms and it won't eat those either :s

What should I do? :s

The shop did say she was a fussy eater. Her body is not as big as her head.

On a side note, does it matter if worms go into my filter? cause at least 2 did :(
what the shop told you was more than likely wrong, axolotls are not fussy eaters and they will eat almost anything.

beef heart is high in fat and is not recommended as a staple diet for axolotls, think about it, beef heart does not occur naturally in the wild habitat that they come from. Live earthworms, bloodworms and specially formulated axolotl pellets are the recommended diet.

lets cover the basics:

axolotls are cold water animals so temperatures above 20-22 will do damage over a period of time.
aquarium gravel, river pebbles and stones that are not larger than your animal's head are a no-no, chances are they will swallow them, and this can be fatal. a thin layer of washed play sand or no substrate at all is the only option.

axolotls have no eye lids, and so they don't like bright lights, and if your tank is lit it must have a weak lamp. they also need plenty of hides.

pictures of your tank will help further with your situation, chances are someone here will be able to spot any issues that can be causing this problem.

axies tend to be more active in the evening and at night so try feeding then.
Hey i also recently got an axie and was worried about feeding time, what you need to do is find some small earthworms and rinse them off really good and the little guy will eat it right up hold them right above the tip of his nose and have fun :D
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