New member
I bought 2 Axolotl that's roughly two months old. They're not grown front legs yet and about an inch in length.
I made the huge mistake of feeding them live brine shrimp bought online. I didn't realize I had to rinse the water first. I've never used live food before. One died and I've been really upset. I immediately changed all water and put the surviving one who is Leucistic Pink in fresh declorinated water and a few drops of Methylene Blue as I saw something on its tail. I've managed to save this one but its not as lively as it was. It's alive as I can see the heart beating slowly. I don't want to stress it more. Can anyone help? Have I done the right thing? How much water should be changed each day? It's in a small container. Any comments would help and be of comfort.
I made the huge mistake of feeding them live brine shrimp bought online. I didn't realize I had to rinse the water first. I've never used live food before. One died and I've been really upset. I immediately changed all water and put the surviving one who is Leucistic Pink in fresh declorinated water and a few drops of Methylene Blue as I saw something on its tail. I've managed to save this one but its not as lively as it was. It's alive as I can see the heart beating slowly. I don't want to stress it more. Can anyone help? Have I done the right thing? How much water should be changed each day? It's in a small container. Any comments would help and be of comfort.