

New member
Mar 27, 2008
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This is a video of my first vivarium. I still have some work to do on it but the hard part is done. I will be building more vivariums & future ones will have a lot of new ideas incorporated in them to reduce weight & maximize efficiency & are.

Let me know what you think everybody. I could also use some help on where to find a good source of plants & also if anyone has ideas on what animals I could house in this tank I am still undecided. I was hoping for a mix (newts, frogs). Not much to be found in Edmonton/Alberta/Canada.

Ok here is the video.

<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i262.photobucket.com/player.....com/albums/ii98/yawalad/Video_033108_001.flv">
That looks great for a first try!
Plants can be difficult, if I have time and something specific in mind I tend to order online as local shops dont tend to stock may plants suitable to vivarium use. Large super markets around here tend to stock lots of small cheap house plants and pot plants which cn be a cheap and easy alternative, not sure about canada.

Dartfrog has a reasonable selection of suitable vivarium plants. There are a couple of dart frog based stores online that sell vivarium supplies, live foods and plants that I cant remember off the top of my head, try googling for 'dartfrog supples' or something similar.

When looking for species consider you have quite a strong current there which many species dont like, I wont comment on species mixing as I'm sure there are plenty of people ready to jump in on that one!
Great work,

Mine is tekaing me sometime to finish, congrats!!!

Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. This is not only the first time I build a vivarium but also first time keeping amphibians.:supercool: I know I have a strong current but I do have places where the water is perfectly still. I just don't know if it's enough.

As far as the species go, I really don't know what my best options are.:dizzy: The tank is roughly 50 x 50 cm with about 10 cm of water, but I am totally unfamiliar with the size, temperament, activity, etc of the animals.:confused: I am therfore very reluctant about which animals to get and I need to know everything I can before introducing them. :confused::confused:I can wait.:sad:

I was REALLY hoping there are terrestrial, arborreal, and aquatic species that I can house in this tank. I know that mixing species is a touchy subject :angel:but I can't seem to find any information that relates to direct positve experience. I know that it is rarely the same for two people but if anyone has had a positive experiece with doing something like this & would like to share that experience; please do :yin-yang:
Great work,

Mine is tekaing me sometime to finish, congrats!!!
Thanks & good luck. If I can help in any way let me know. I'm totall new to amphibians but I am good with this kind of stuff. It took me a month of sporadic work & shopping to finish it & it's still not 100% finished. Very satisfying work though. I have six more tanks from 10 to 100 gal that I can't wait to start.;)
Thank you, if I could I bought a 150 gallon tank for my next proyect, but my wife will kill me :D, but she was really impress with a guy that we meet last month he breeds dart frogs and he had at least 20 tanks each 10 or 20 gallon every one with a different setup and frog, and she was asking me if I was planing to do that in the future, but since me paludarim is tanking some time to finish I'll have to wait a little, any tip yuo can gve me will be really great
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