Hello! I'm a new axolotl mummy! in need of advice so I can keep my babies happy!


New member
Apr 5, 2011
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Essex, England
United Kingdom
Hello all! I'm so pleased to have found this site. I have just become an Axolotl mummy. I never imagined they could be kept as pets and had only seen one in the paper once so didn't know they were even a real creature! Then I typed into a search engine "cutest animal ever" and found lots out about Axolotls. I spent ages looking at pictures and videos and I decided that I really wanted one. I thought it was just a pipe dream and that I would never be able to have one because they must be really hard to look after, hard to find one to buy and really expensive too. But then to my surprise I discovered how cheap they are and that I can get one from the tropical fish store a few miles away!

I have spent ages reading about them, watching them on youtube and thinking hard about whether i can take on the responsibility as I have been ill for months but in the end I decided that I need to do this. Something about them really cheers me up and the idea of having one gave me a real boost emotionally. As I am on sick pay my mum said she would buy them for my birthday. At 1st I thought I should probably just ask for money to pay our bills or for a new printer for hubbys computer as we really need it but in the end my mum convinced me to be selfish. Also my daughters are going to love them.

So, I went with my mum to the tropical fish store and we bought everything we need to set up our Axolotl tank and picked two little baby axolotls. I was only going to get one as I was worried they may fight or nibble at each other but the woman that works there said they get on really well together. They are adorable!! I have only bought a 10 gallon tank as our house is full of toys right now and didnt have as much space but the idea is to upgrade in a few years when the girls grow out of thier play shop and we can dismantle it and then use this tank for some fish. Plus I didnt want my mum to spend too much on me!

The tank has been set up for a few days now and we finally figured out how the filter is supposed to be and we have filled it with some nice plants(fake), some things for them to explore and hide behind and my daughter chose a neon bridge and star fish. They dont go with the things I chose but she insisted on getting them!

I can't wait to have them come home. I'm taking the water test in on friday and fingers crossed it will be ready. I made sure I put the right amount of tap safe in and I took a picture to show the fish store owner and he said with the blue light on it wont be too bright. I've put the tank in my living room so they can see us and we can enjoy watching them.

I don't know if they are boys or girls but I have named then Athena and Aristotle Axolotl!

My questions are,

do you think my tank set up is ok. They are small right now and I know i will need to upgrade and have something planned.

Please give me tips on how to feed them. I have bought frozen blood worm. wont be feeding them anything live as it may upset my 5 year old.

Does the lighting look too bright? would it be best kept off.

Theres a small hole in the back on the ornament with the plants on, should I block it up when they get bigger, are they likely to get stuck in it?

The temperature is 18 degrees c right now. Is that too hot. It was 15 yesterday. How do it keep it down.

Thankyou for reading. Feel free to give me tips on how best to care for them. xxx


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oh, one more pic to add. Athena playing peekaboo. Aristotle is the slightly smaller one


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Hiya axies have that effect on most people I think, I love mine! Light wise I don't think you should keep it on as they have no eye lids and don't really like light so best to just keep it off. I'm guessing that the pics of the axies are in the pet shop still? As they shouldn't be kept on gravel, it can cause impaction and kill them. The temp is fine, I wish mine was that low, it hovers around 20 :( Your set up looks good :) I love the ornaments! A few more fake plants would probably be nice too. I think you will probably need to upgrade reasonably quickly in truth but one of the more experienced members here should be able to help you more :D There's lots of really helpful posts on here, have you tried Axolotls: The Fascinating Mexican Axolotl and the Tiger Salamander as well? That gives you lots of excellent info!
thanks for the reply, yes the pics of them are in the fish store. I will bring them home on friday. I put sand in my tank, partly because I cant get them plants to stand up properly without it. I've put a couple more in since that picture and its looking good now. The light actually isnt as bright is it looks on the pictures but will preobably keep it off or put something in the top to sheild it a bit. It also looks a bit bigger in real life and hopefully they will be happy in there for a while.
Keep posting questions and reading the forum threads, there is a wealth of information here.

You will need a bigger tank sooner rather than later, they grow very fast, and by this I mean you need at least 15 gallons for each adult axolotl in a years time, maybe less as they will probably fight when they get bigger, as they do go through a cannibalistic stage when they are young. the idea of having a bigger tank is adding lots of hides and visual barriers, this fools the axies into thinking they are alone most of the time as they won't be able to see each other and this reduces the chance of cannibalistic behavior.

As for feeding, I have never kept a axie that young before so I couldn't really tell you, older axes are best fed on a diet of live earthworms, bloodworms or pellet foods.

Axies make lots of waste, so keep a very close eye on water chemistry for the first month or so, and change about %15 daily with new tap water that has been treated with a water conditioner.

Temperature should be fine, between 15-20 degrees is best and never let it rise above 22.
I'll proobably get another tank next year then. I'll see if I can get a bargain on ebay. Might sell the water heater that I got with the tank for a few pennies to go towards it.My daughters want fancy goldfish and little guppies and the tank they have now is too small for the fancy ones. The are going to start with regular gold fish for Alyssa's 2nd birthday and see how they go. They can't wait to get the axolotls. Alyssa thinks they are fish though. Emily took a picture to school and a note so she could tell her class.

Oh and another question, once they are established, a bit older and used to us can we put our camera in the tank? Its water proof and takes amazing underwater photos.
Keep in mind when choosing a axle tank, floorspace is the most important thing to consider, as they aren't big swimmers. And hang about the bottom.

I guess that won't be a problem, just try not to startle them.
If you plan on waiting til next year to get a new tank, you are probably going to be posting in the sick Axolotl part of this forum shortly. The lack of space and small amount of water is going to contribute to aggression and likely illness from water quality. I don't want to seem harsh, but Axolotls grow very quickly their first year and are very messy animals.
I know it doesnt look it but it is deeper at the back and there is more floor space than it looks. Its a bit of an optical illusion. I asked the store owner and they said it would be ok for a while. Oh now I am worried that my mum has wasted her money on it. They will be ok to begin with though surely? I'll start saving and looking on ebay now.
They only look very small so they should be fine for a while, when they get a bit bigger advertise yours on ebay and look for another. I got a nice big 4ft one for £33 a couple of months back :D also I'll pm you the address for a different forum, I spotted a 7ft on there for about £45 a few weeks back! Wouldn't even fit in my car so I left it alone :( Uou could also try get some live daphnia and put them in with them as well as live bloodworm. You said your daughter might get upset but she won't really see them move they just wiggle on the floor so you could always tell her that they are moving because of the filter? :) Mine go crazy for the live bloodworm, they aren't too bothered by the frozen stuff though :(
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