I have a larval stage tiger.We got him from a man in the mall.The problems with this little guy though.First off,the container he was in was a small half gallon critter keeper,only half full.He had green and white gravel,which wasnt rinsed(i could tell by the green flakes oh Eragons head)and he had been living in it for awhile without proper water changes.His gill fluff is all gone.Didnt know if maybe it was from the poor care or possibly him changing?But ive noticed,his skin has a bluish white filmy look,as if his slime coat is producing too much(do they have slime coats?Im a fish person,lol)And it kinda bothers me that he may not be feeling good.Ive added guppies to his enclosure,for him to eat and they nibble on him instead.He will eat frozen bloodworms,but it cant be a good staple for him.I cant get him to eat the pellets that came with him.Ive read a tea bath could help the film,but what i wanted to ask,i have indian almond tea,from boiling the leaves(fish stuff again,lol)Could i add it to his water?It soothes the bettas skin and heals wounds,and strengthens the scales.I have aquarium salt too.Any help would be wonderful.He swims fine wanders the bottom fine and acts ok,just not eating his live food and the blue is worrying me.
Heres a couple pics of him.
The gravel is being removed today.he will be in a bare bottomed tank until i get a chance to get either sand or bigger rocks.(ive read about sand impaction and worry about that too,lol.Is it a risk with tigers?)Thanks in advance for advice,tips and comments.
Heres a couple pics of him.
The gravel is being removed today.he will be in a bare bottomed tank until i get a chance to get either sand or bigger rocks.(ive read about sand impaction and worry about that too,lol.Is it a risk with tigers?)Thanks in advance for advice,tips and comments.