wow...those are impressive pics and definitely an impressive camera. Amazing quality man! big congrats!
I wish more ppl posted pics...i will never get tired of them.
Thanks guys! I was trying to get a shot of the yolk sac but it was looking a bit dull so I tried lighting it from behind and hey presto - highlighted gills!
10 days later. The Triturus have put their efforts into growing long front arms and fingers.
This one made me laugh - it looks so miserable!
Whilst the Pleurodeles have put their efforts into growing their heads big and wide to accommodate as much food as possible. Notice the cyclopoid copepod next to his head. A tasty snack.
13 days later. The marms have become efficient mid water hunting machines.
The Pleuros have gone outside in one of my old daphnia tubs. It's choked with hair algae but I sometimes see one swimming past and they are growing well.
wow those are some great pictures! Sid and Sally are reproducing daily and I am facinated watching the eggs...waiting with excitement for the births. How long was it before yours hatched? And just how did you take such great pictures?
Thanks Kelly! I'm not exactly sure how long they took to hatch as they were so well hidden in leaves and laid over a period of weeks. I'd guess at 3-4 weeks.
To take photos of very small larvae you need a camera with a good macro function or lens and a lot of patience. I leave the camera next to the tank so I'm ready to take a picture if I see one in a good position
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