Has the log and plants in my tank made the water yellow/green?


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Oct 8, 2011
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London, England
United Kingdom

I have recently put a long log with two plants already attached that I bought at the aquatic design centre into my tank, and the water has gone a kind of yellowy greeny colour. If I do a big water change, the colour comes back after a day. I don't think it can be algae, any other ideas?

x C
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If you don't boil the new piece of driftwood or let it soak for weeks to even possibly months depending on the size it'll leak tannins into the water! Harmless to fish, but turn the water kind of into a tea color..
Thanks for the reply Purple Muffin - but the log was bought with these two beautiful plants already attached and almost growing into it. If I boil it won't they die? Is there anything else I can do?

Just place the planting in a tub of water and let it soak for a week or two, changing out the water until it appears clear. It just has to leach out of the wood. Cold to cool water is best, since it won't encourage the growth of algae or mold that could make the process longer.
Thanks very much cassie - it's already starting to run clear after soaking it in a tub.

Caudata Culture has an article that explains the ins and outs of the use of real wood. See the links in my signature.
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