Ok Marie-Sophie. Here it comes but please read it just keeping in mind all the time, this is not from professional or specialist either, but from hobbyist like you.
Maybe you have already noticed that those front legs (front limbs?) of the Tiger is way too short and narrow, in such a realistic picture as it presents. Did you ran out of paper when you worked with Tigers legs or why they are so tiny? Moreover, the paws are too minor and small as well, when comparing those with the legs and whole other part of the big cat too. As you certainly be aware as a scientific journalist of biological issues (as I have understood), real Tiger has a strikingly huge paws and in comparison with a rest of the body, and more muscular legs than your Tiger now owns.
The lack of right and correct dimensions and measurements are not a big deal when drawing caricatures or fantasy or unrealistic images at all, (like e.g. that picture I posted which is almost like a gag) and sometimes it can be even intentionally made for a special effect or over-reacted caricature, but when aiming to the art of realistic looking image, it is very important factor in any of such pictures. I wouldn't said anything at all, unless your art piece wouldn't been so realistic and well succeeded from the rest of its other elements. So, if you are capable to draw such a realistic way you have now done, you should definitely check those measurements right as well.
Best thing with caricatures and fantasy I have noticed, indeed, is that artist doesn't have to follow any settled roles of art, because in caricature and in fantasy, things can be as much way of our comprehension as the image actually represents. The limit then is just an artists imagination...
So, my comment wasn't meant for discouraging Marie-Sophie down, and I really want you to understand this (don't you ever understand my intentions otherwise, when I just want to give my helping hand). On the contrary, it was meant to encourage you and others to draw even more balanced and well adjusted and of course, even more truthful and authentic images next time in a case, where aiming to reach authentic and realistic images. I really don't want to sound like I am giving you some advises, but I just wanted you to know that your Tiger won't keep itself standing with those front legs and paws any longer, if you don't make them thicker and stronger, and of course much longer as well.
As I previously said, You already seem to be capable of drawing animal faces almost a photo-realistic way. Now it is time to look after right dimensions, measurements, perspectives and truthful distances of different body parts from each other too. In fact, those are usually learned in opposite order and I just wandering and have no clue what so ever, how come you have learned to draw such a realistic way and missed those dimension and measurement checkings at the same time?
You were wrong about that I would be professional. as a matter of fact, I don't. It is still my hobby as well and, in fact, I don't draw so often either. It just takes proper mood and inspiration which I usually don't have enough to get ever started. It is true that one can learn to draw only just by doing it. And for the continuous progress, one should do it a lot, like you said. I don't do much of drawings either although I should, but I am trying to do something about to fix that lack every year. I should draw more often and regularly as I do right now. It is the famous new year promise of mine for every single new year... "Draw more."... And I newer did anyway...
We will see, what happens with this ongoing year, since I will try to post some new Caudates art work here as well in a near future...
So did this help you even minor way? It is very common phenomenon that artists (writers as well) sometimes get "blind" with their own work and accomplishments. Then it could be valuable to get some other opinions from others, those are looking the same work in totally different way and probably can see some weaknesses and potential errors you haven't observed and noticed yet.