I know it is not preferable, but can tiger salamanders be handled occasionally? Would it affect their overall health? I'm researching newts and salamanders in an attempt to find just the right one.
ive only picked up my tiger twice - both when i had to move him to clean his cage. he seemed distressed when he was in my hands, but acted fine once i set him down. i dont think holding them for long periods of time would be OK with them- plus its not good for their skin unless you wash your hands really well.
I'm glad to know yours isn't stressed by slight handling. Mostly I'm just concerned that I have to move back from college in June. That, and, once home, I'm sure I will extolled now and then to show a salamander to my mother's young students. (Although from what I've read about tigers, they'll come out of hiding and show themselves off.)
I generally wear gloves when the need arises to handle my tiger (mostly when I change her substrate). She's been known to climb onto my hand if I'm doing things in her tank, though.
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