Grey tree frog tank size


New member
Sep 7, 2008
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United States
Is a tank thats 18in by 18by 24in big enough for 4 Hyla versicolors.
Probably. The biggest thing is height. I'm assuming its 24in tall. That should be fine. Put lots of plants and climbing sticks. Plants with larger leaves increase humidity and provide hiding spots.

Honestly, that may be a bit of a squeeze for adults. You may get more exacting info on frog forums, but they usually suggest a lot of room for tree frogs
They started dying so I had to get rid of them:(.
that tank was plenty big enough. do you know why they stated dying on you.
I think their temporary tank was to dry.:(
Well, you better be misting them, if that is the case. Buy a spray bottle from the pet store or another store and you should be good.

As for the tank size, I guess that would be enough, although I never kept a gray treefrog before.
I've kept both grey and barking tree frogs. I think you should have a tank 24 inches by 24 inches by 36 inches high. I have failed with 4 frogs in a tank almost the same size as yours. But had much greater success with a larger cage. With 6 inches of potting soil and mulch on the bottom and a 12 by 12 inch by 3 inch deep dish of water that contained some moss.
At the moment I have ten GREYS in a18 x18x 24h tank get on well my adults are W/C and I have had them for over 5 yrs, keep them in a palladium[ I hope I spelt that right ] a shallow swamp style set up, plus they breed aswell. Mine bred again this year on Wednesday 8th of April lots of spawn :eek: Tried my big viv 6ft tall 5ft wide 3ft deep they didnt like it and all sat together on one branch weird :confused: .So this works best for me. Have fun:happy: The group contains 3W/C Adults and 7 last years babies these have bred this year too.
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At the moment I have ten GREYS in a18 x18x 24h tank get on well my adults are W/C and I have had them for over 5 yrs, keep them in a palladium[ I hope I spelt that right ] a shallow swamp style set up, plus they breed aswell. Mine bred again this year on Wednesday 8th of April lots of spawn :eek: Tried my big viv 6ft tall 5ft wide 3ft deep they didnt like it and all sat together on one branch weird :confused: .So this works best for me. Have fun:happy: The group contains 3W/C Adults and 7 last years babies these have bred this year too.
Do you have a picture of your set up. It seems to be working well :happy:
Do you have a picture of your set up. It seems to be working well :happy:

I'll have a go sorry to say I'mfairly useless on a computer :uhoh:.However my son is very good so I'll see if I can get a picture for you :D if not here is what I use an exo terre 18x 18x 24 front opening doors.Water depth is 4inch about 7cms plants in water peace lilys they can grow in water up to 6inch deep no problem they grow tall with big leaves a small yucca type plant in a pot that is watertight ,and plastic plants stuck on the viv sides.I've even got one of the exo ready made waterfalls in but I've altered it so the pump uses water from the viv and the water pours over into the viv The main thing is the water I've posted an article on how to breed them indoors :happy: that should help.
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