Grey coloration in Cynops orientalis



Hey guys,
I was walking through a store selling Cynops orientalis and saw that some of the newts had a greyish coloration. I know that there are fire bellied newts that have this color naturally but:

could they also get this color when they are sick??

i liked the color they were but i hesitated to buy one in case of illness. Can anyone answer my question?
Check out this thread, entitled "Grey orientalis":

Here's a grey one of mine:

Thanx Tim! great photos in that thread, and yours is perfectly healthy right??

maybe i will go down tot he store and get one of the grey males they have!!
Here's a different one:



(Message edited by tj on July 16, 2006)
I should note that this is a phase as the above newt was as black as the others when I got her. Still, that's not to say that all the others can also become like this. I simply don't know.
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