Ok, I'll make this one post instead of two since it's a little late.
Chris> T. granulosa and T. torosa are nearly identical as far as subspecies goes, in fact, they can interbreed in locations where both are present. General identification in T. torosa include a lighter eyelid and Y-shaped volmerine teeth. A more concrete identification trait (in my opinion) is that T. torosa lays a cluster of eggs while T. granulosa lays individual eggs.
Mistakes are often made by dealers since T. granulosa (common name: "Oregon Newt") are collected in California. (i.e., the common name for T. torosa is "California newt.")
T. granulosa tends to be more aquatic. From the looks of your tank in this
post, you have a good land area as well as water area, so it shouldn't be a problem. (The animals in those photos are almost definitely T. granulosa).
Richard> T. rivularis not only have a red belly, but they have a completely black iris. Several people in this forum have T. rivularis, but they are definitely more rare in the market than T. granulosa or even T. torosa.