I'm about to put the finishing touches on a 55 gallon terrarium- 1/2 land & 1/2 water with a running stream running from land and into water (Pictures of this terrarium will be posted shortly). I currently have 10 granulosa which will be transferred into this tank ASAP. I will also be obtaining two pairs of rivularis within the next few weeks. I know I may take some heat for this, but I'd like to keep both species in this set-up. I know ideally I should keep both in separate set-ups, but I don't exactly have the most room in the world, and keeping both in the same tank would be ideal for me in my current situation. I know they both inhabit some of the same regions in the wild, and that they've also been known to hybridize where their regions overlap. Keeping them together may not be a good idea, but is it necessarily a bad one? Thoughts/advice from experienced Taricha keepers would be much appreciated. Please, be gentle.