Question: Got tips for breeding axolotls??


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Sep 7, 2009
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Central Coast NSW
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Patrice :P

i have a male golden axie, and a female wild type axie, i know they are both of a mature age for breeding, and was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to get them to breed...?
I've read all about the axolotl version of the 'birds and the bees' after Aureo (male axie) dropped 2 spermatophores one morning. I kinda was hoping that Mufahla (female) would pick them up and lays eggs, but she just wasnt in the mood...
Is there some little trick to getting them to breed, ... do i have to put them in a smaller tank together, light some candles.....??
Any tips/tricks will be taking on board...:happy:

In Australia, the breeding period is highest around winter months from June-Aug. Breeding activity declines markedly as the warmer months of spring and summer approaches.

In general, the factors that stimulates breeding activity in axies are as follows.

1 - Good water parameters (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH, Hardness)
2 - Ideal water temperature (around 15- 18 degree celsius)
3 - Low water currents
4 - Good nutrition - live earthworms etc.
5 - Axies are all healthy and sexually matured
6 - Decreasing photoperiod (light exposure)
7 - Increasing water levels
8 - Decreasing water temperatures
9 - Hiding spots, masses of aquatic plants

Have a look at this link.

my axies are very healthy, i feed them live earth worms, they are sexually mature, i have good water parametres, plenty of plants and hidey holes, and im able to keep the temp pretty low...

sooooooo...if i, keep my room dark by closing the blinds, and drop the temp to 15 that should help a little....?

i read some where, that someone put the breeding pair together in a container in the fridge for a week then puts them in their home tank, and generally that = eggs.... (this person has used this method for a while...) but i dont know if i really like that idea

THANX heaps!!!!!! definetly gunna try that out....
I would say wait a while and see instead of trying to enduce gravid-ness (the problem i have is trying to stop them breeding), that fact you have only seen two spermetaphores and not eight or more, In my experience would suggest your female has already been busy ..err being busy ;).
Good luck and try not to raise too many as it is very tempting!
Cliff x
HI cliff:happy:

Thanks for the pointer, ... i've read so many threads about how to get Axies to STOP breeding, considering it is quite taxing on the female, laying eggs all the time...

The thought of raising little bubba axies, .....:Dvery temtping:D

quote: the fact that you only seen two spermatophores and not eight or more, In my experience would suggest your female has already been busy...err being busy ;).

hmmm, i wish that was so, but its been over a week, and i cant imagine she'd had hidden any eggs......i guess in three weeks, if i see little axies in the tank....welll, i guess she did get busy....

thanx for the heads up:D
lifes like a box of never know what your going to get
Forrest Gump:happy:
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1