Gonna be setting up a bigger tank!


May 21, 2012
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North Eastern CT
United States
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So I got the okay from the Hubby to go ahead and obtain and set up a bigger tank for Kreacher! I'm super excited! One of my coworkers has a friend selling a 30 gallon long tank for 40$ and I'm jumping on the deal. This tank is 36" x 12" x 16" and I am so excited to decorate it! I'm doing some research right now on home made aquarium decor and I think I have some really good ideas on natural looking hides that are tank safe and look nice! I am going to be making two hides at least as I am probably going to bring home a second axolotl! I'm pumped :D

Any ideas or pictures of you guys' diy projects for decor would be greatly appreciated! I want all the ideas I can get!
I used some 2" or 3" diameter pvc pipe elbows & connectors from home depot. In particular there's a "Y" pipe that was only a few dollars that all my axolotls seem to love. I got 2 of the pipes and there always at least 1 axolotl hanging out in them. I sanded and painted mine with krylon fusion paint. Since you want a natural look, maybe paint it dark (if at all) then cover it with moss (put java moss all over it and wrap it in mesh from a luffa or string).


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Well, I found a really neat idea online that I decided to try for the first hide... tehehe. I love how it is coming along so far. I have step by step photos that I'll post as soon as I get them off of my camera at home, but for now, take a look at this bad larry!


view from the front entrance


view from the side entrance

Basically it is a rubbermaid tupperware container with two holes cut out with tons of rocks and leaves siliconed all over it... lol. I love the way it turned out. It should fit in the new tank that I'm getting next weekend and it should also work for my axolotls (yes that's right, I purchased the second one, she's coming home when the new tank is up!!!!) until they grow up nice and big. I'm super stoked. I'm pretty sure hide #2 is going to be some form of slate creation... lol we'll see. I might also go the pvc route, we'll see what happens!
thats looks brilliant. what a good idea. im setting up my bigger tank at the mo and im scared it'll look quite bare in comparison.

make sure you add more pics.
that hide looks awsome!! its given me a few ideas for my new 6 foot tank im getting soon aswell. hope to see some more pics of the new tank and axie when its all set up, good luck with it all :D
Ooooh that's really impressive. Suppose you could silicone pebbles to anything - even the plumbing joints....
quite inspirational.
absolutely you could put them on a pvc pipe if you wanted. Anything safe for the tank really!
Got my 33 gallon tank today (4ftx13inx12in) and I'm super excited. Set it up on the bookshelf and it fits perfectly and it appears to be sturdy with no issues! I also acquired a used Fluval U3 in tank filter which I'm in love with. I currently have some old Aqua Clear 20 carbon packs shoved into the new filter as my store was out of the carbon pouches for the U3 and since I'm not using my AC20 any more I figured I ought to use up my old cartridges one way or another... lol. I also used the old bio modules from my running filter in the new one. So along with all the water from Kreacher's ten gallon and the sand as well Plus the rest clean water, I'm hoping the tank will be ready for the Axolotls in a couple days. Kreacher is going to be hanging out in the fridge until it is set up. Once it is set up I'm going to introduce him and Winky (new albino female) into the tank together! I'm so excited. I don't have pictures as the sand is still settling and there is **** lighting right now for pictures. I'll take some tomorrow to see how the tank is doing! :D
little bit of an update... Got the tank fully set up and almost completely decorated (waiting on the second rock hide to cure) and I was able to put Kreacher in last night. So this means that winky is coming home today and they will spend their first night together in the large tank! I'm so excited!!!!! I am so happy. The tank looks awesome! I am waiting until it is completely decorated before I show pics because I want to show it off in all its glory! :p I can't wait to get Winky home and take some nice pics of her. The ones I take here on my phone stink lol.

Here it is! In all its glory! LOL It is night time and the lighting is awful right now for photos but my camera battery just finished charging and I was anxious to get pics. I finally got it all decorated and finished and I'm super excited! The two fans are more than enough to keep the temperature at a cool 65F and the two little lotls are quite happy in their new home! :D
Thanks guys! I'm really proud of it. I'm also so happy with the way the two lotls are getting along! I was so nervous it would be an immediate blood bath (that's my overprotective mother instinct talking... even tho I have no kids lol) but I was pleasantly surprised to see them interacting happily with each other. I find myself sitting in front of the tank just watching them all the time now. It's quite relaxing :)
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