Hey there! I'm a new member from the great white north and I have been stalking this forum now for few months. Im going to be picking up a pair of axies in about 5 days or so, (one leucistic, one wild type, not sure about exact length, probs 3-4 in) Now I know the basic low down on their care, but i'm struggling in a few areas and thought I would ask! So I have a small tank prepared and cycled (a 5 gal, yes i know it's small, but i'm moving in a month and have a 29 gallon ready to be set up for them one i've moved, so this would be temporary, i'm prepared for regular water changes). Now for diet, what I have easily affordable as well as accessible is;
-Frozen blood worms
-lean meats from time to time
-frozen brine shrimp
- without a worm farm, earthworms seasonally
-ocasional mealworm
-I have been eyeing http://www.amazon.com/Pellets-Grower-Shrimp-Axolotls-Bottom/dp/B01CKK7MXA?ie=UTF8&keywords=axolotl%20pellets&qid=1459398954&ref_=sr_1_3&sr=8-3 as a food sourse (have acsess to a us shipping adress) but was wondering if they would be sutable for axies.
Next is tank temperature fluctuation
at night, it averages 67-8
during the day a high of 71-2
I was wondering if this is still within the ok not gonna kill an axie range? I know no higher than 74, but is 72 at them MAX still safe?
and any other tips and tricks would be appreciated! Thx for any help! And thanks for this forum, the research it has provided and my non stop random facts for the past month convinced my parents to let me get a third and final aquarium OTL
-Frozen blood worms
-lean meats from time to time
-frozen brine shrimp
- without a worm farm, earthworms seasonally
-ocasional mealworm
-I have been eyeing http://www.amazon.com/Pellets-Grower-Shrimp-Axolotls-Bottom/dp/B01CKK7MXA?ie=UTF8&keywords=axolotl%20pellets&qid=1459398954&ref_=sr_1_3&sr=8-3 as a food sourse (have acsess to a us shipping adress) but was wondering if they would be sutable for axies.
Next is tank temperature fluctuation
at night, it averages 67-8
during the day a high of 71-2
I was wondering if this is still within the ok not gonna kill an axie range? I know no higher than 74, but is 72 at them MAX still safe?
and any other tips and tricks would be appreciated! Thx for any help! And thanks for this forum, the research it has provided and my non stop random facts for the past month convinced my parents to let me get a third and final aquarium OTL