So, no luck with earthworms still? Do you have waxworms? My shipment was just too big and cutting them didn't work. I haven't really gotten a great count on FFs, but have noticed some of the FFs drowning in the morphs' water bowl which will be removed after our long weekend away. I can't tell if the springtails have been eaten or not, but I will put a hefty dose of them and FFs in while we're gone. I'm actually more concerned over the dozen or so potential morphs that could go terrestrial while I'm gone. Don't want them to drown if they're on the turtle dock, don't want my parents to be stressed about trying to remove them, so I may put them in a tilted tank and not worry about food on land as these first morphs have been so reluctant to start eating.
As Jen said, these animals can go a couple of weeks without food if terrestrial. Yours are FBNs, too, but are they C. Orientalis? They began to morph on the 17th along with mine, and yours are still semi-aquatic? Did you use the tilted tank method? I've used three different methods, always being afraid of some mishap with each one. I'm currently using wet paper towels and lots of hides...
A week isn't too terribly long. Just be sure the temperature is cool enough, put some food in and they should be OK - seems so easy to reassure you when I'm freaked out about mine!
Good luck,