Yes! My hubby and I made a removable acrylic base with siliconed-down sand embedded in it.
Get a piece of acrylic plate and cut it to size - it wants to be a good fit or gunge will get underneath. Rough up the surface with some sandpaper and wash it down, clean your sand and dry well (I used my oven on 120C).
You will have to either work outside or in a very well ventilated area, becasue the silicone uses vinegar as a solvent and it stinks. Work in small areas, spread some silicone with an old credit card to about 2mm thick, and press sand in. Don't try and make the silicone too thick ot it will never set, but you can create ripples or patterns if you're careful. Work across the whole area in small blocks and leave to set for 48 hours. Brush any loose sand off, wash under running water. Then fit it in your tank.
With the sand embedded it's not that rough - no worse than sand on it's own, but we used playsand anyway as the grains are smoother.
We also embedded a plant at the back to give us something to grab to remove it. We take it out once a month to clean underneath, but it's easy to siphon over the surface with a normal water change.
You can see the effect in the pics attached.