Glass Nuggets


New member
Dec 5, 2011
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United Kingdom
Hi please can I get some views on using glass nuggets as substrate. I have had to rethink my tank, positioning, size, filters and substrate, due to room temp being too high and the tank being to big to move anywhere else (it is a 4ft tank) I now have a foot smaller one. I am desperate to get my axolotls but want to get their home right first. I now have under substrate filters too, so I cant use my original choice of sand substrate. I have read the info links, but nothing is said about glass nuggets. Any help would be appreciated. :eek:
i would say no to them as far as i am learning anything smaller than your axies head could be swallowed i wouldnt risk it with mine

i have mine on sand an just simple sponge filters an they are doing good
Most of the glass nuggets I have seen are a lot smaller than an adult axies mouth. So I wouldnt use them in there tank (I have had them in my fish tanks)
If you can't use sand large pebbles/stones or tile slate have been used in some tanks.
If you have an under gravel filter I don't s'pose you could go bare bottomed either.
I think maybe I need to go back to sand :confused: and maybe look at a different filter. Wow its difficult to get it right.
I've found that undergravel filters don't really work for axolotls: if you use a powerhead (to pull the waste up), it causes too much current for the axolotls, and if you don't use a powerhead (and use just an air stone), waste will become trapped under the plates, and cause some pretty nasty mulm (that's the scientific word for gunk) buildup. I learned this the hard way.

Go back to sand.
i would say no to them as far as i am learning anything smaller than your axies head could be swallowed i wouldnt risk it with mine

i have mine on sand an just simple sponge filters an they are doing good

Listen to the crazylady
Sand + sponge filter is working great for me. :) Just don't get the sand too deep, I upgraded my tank and the smaller amount of sand is still able to support plants (I had like, 2" in my smaller tank - which wasn't good, debris got down in it and was decaying).

I've seen some glass nuggets in stores, and while they're very pretty, I wouldn't put them in an axolotl tank, too dangerous - they could swallow one and at that size it could easily be fatal. :(
How do you keep the sand clean, but not suck it all up in the cleaner? Also how deep should I put the sand?
Also I want to use a spray bar to help with aeration of the water and I also like the sound of water movement. What are your thoughts on this please?
I used a spray bar on a few different tanks that I have kept axies in. If you aim it to the glass you don't get the water disturbance but still makes a noise.

Haven't actully got it set up on the tank there in at the moment, just break the falling water with a cork platform, and some plastic plant. It's also above a couple of hides,
That end of the tank is darker and they like to hide there.
I like the sound of the bubbles from the filter coming up. I've never used a spray bar, so I can't say about that.

If you don't have live plants, you really only need enough sand to cover the bottom. I think mine is maybe 3/4-1" deep now, instead of 2" which was just too much.

To clean it, I use a turkey baster to spot-clean daily. It does the job so well, I don't really need to do anything else. You can use the siphon to vacuum the sand - and you won't pick up much of it, but I haven't really needed to. The turkey baster really takes care of it and doesn't pick up much or any sand.
I will try the turkey baster as it would make things easier. Thanks ;) I have got my sand now. I have been given the idea of doing a bog wood waterfall instead of the spray bar. I thought that the sound as well as a hiding place and a plant anchor made it a good choice. Just need to get some low light plants then.
I'm getting a little excited at the prospect of getting some axies at last :D
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