Gill struts disintergrating



I currently have two 8" female lecustic and 1 4" male wildtype in a 10 gal (uk). about a week ago, i noticed all their gill struts where looking very knarled, as if they had been eaten. thinking that they'd just had a fight, i left it be.
However, i've noticed a very dramatic loss in the size and structure of the gills over the past few days.
the gill struts are now about 1/2cm long, about half of their former side, with very few gill filaments.
tank mates are 3 white cloud minnows (the quickest ones of a much larger former shoal) and a 5" weather loach who has never really bothered the axys.
the tank is filtered by the smaller eheim ecco. the water quality is fine as far as i can discern, zero ammonia and nitrite, 30ppm nitrate. the water is naturally very hard, but i've added a little aquatic salt when i noticed the injuries.
i've treated with a half dose, and done two 50% water changes to see if it was a contaminent in the water supply.
the axys themselves are eating fine, still the same old selves.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Though i'm not an expert, this could have something to do with the water temp. it shoud be kept within the 16-18°C range.
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