Gill problem - need help and insight


New member
Jul 2, 2023
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United States
I have two axolotls who both live in a 70 gallon tank.

I”v noticed that the gills on my golden albino look like they have rotted away almost over night a while ago And although my albino one gills look fine i have a feel that they aren't what they use to look like before.. im mostly worried about my golden though

I’v already performed a water change nothing major as i dont want to upset the water quality. I’v also performed water test testing the PH, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites.
The ammonia, nitrates and nitrites were all what they should be but i have a feeling that the ph is too high it was hard to tell due to my current lighting conditions.

I’v put two almond leaves in their tank in hopes it helps bring down the PH levels and helps benefit my axolotls im also doing the best i can to keep the temperature within rang and keep waste from building up. I’v also haven't seen a change in behavior although i’v also haven’t seen progression with my golden and im afraid that there might be something more at hand.

If anyone could provide an insight on whats going on mainly with my golden it would be greatly appreciate as i dont think anything other than the water quality is at hand


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what are your temperature and ph also useful to know ammonia, nitrites and nitrates (if possible kh and gh as well)
are you using holtfreters or salt in the tank to deal with previous issue.
also what food and how after are they fed.
Ammonia nitrates nitrites were all zero as for the ph it was somewhere between 7.6 and 7.8 maybe 8.0 but i doubt it The water temp is between 20 - 25ish Celsius only because its current very hot were i am and i dont have ac in the room i keep them, just a lot of fans which depending on the time of day keeps the temp at 20 or between 20 % 25 (i do have an ac on the way)

I also feed them blood worms and pellets but mostly bloodworms every Monday

I couldn't get any holtfreters or salt for the tank for the previous issue sense i could afford them but i’v couldn’t afford them at the time but the problem has seem to resolve as the discoloration is gone!
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the water is too warm, 15°c-18°c being ideal, 20°c is tolerable, 25°c is deadly.
ideal ph is 7.4-7.6 but up to eight is tolerable.
due to waist size feed daily until waist is same width as head then feed every other day.
ensure good water oxygenation, use 2g/l non-iodised salt in any water that contains axolotl (although kh gh not known due to ph other ingredients for holtfreter may not be required, please have gh tested if possible)
nitrates shouldn't be zero, how long has the tank been cycled, how often and how large are the water changes, due to the increase in feeding required monitor water parameters as they may shoot up (an increase in nitrates is fine but high ammonia and nitrites are a problem)
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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1