Gfp purple vs. gfp wild


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Dec 13, 2012
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I love this pic it has awesome comparrison, in the background you can see gfp albino and copper axies too


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I still need to get them some more slate for the bottom of the tank and a couple more hides but overall they all seem very happy to have been upgraded to a new tank with better lighting and all seem pleased with their new tank mates, happy axolotl momma <----------------- right here :) :)
We put slate in our tank and most of our axolotls died. can you tell me your trick to making it work? we boiled it and scrubbed it with a tank scrub brush after we laid it down all axolotls we placed in our tank (the larger ones) died and our axolotl specialist said the slate in our tank was poisoning them. it was either the slate or the silicone that we used but we used the same kind our specialist uses.
did you silicone yours down? we wanted to use slate because one of us lost our job and we were looking for an easier thing to kep up with than sand. if you could help us with a solution I would be forever grateful. opinion do 'not' silicone it down. Here is why I think that. I built a breeder system that has a total of 12 tanks just for breeding. I cut slate to fit. Siliconed the bajeebees out of it. A lot of work and money went into it. Well I had to pull all the tanks because I didn't paint the racking system that holds the tanks. Smart eh? Condensation and bare wood do not mix. Anyway.....when I pulled the tanks I notice that there was moisture between the bottom of the tank and the slate. So that means the water is getting thru. Tried cutting the silicone out. Ain't going to happen. Not sure what I am going to do. Anyway the tile I used was some left over from when I did the kitchen, bathroom and porch. I got to thinking.....Trace.....what?..........didn't you put sealer on the tile after you laid it on the floor? Yes I did, why?.......Because the slate in the aquariums don't have sealer on them, knot head. Oh.....your right. I siliconed the tanks because I didn't want to pull them out. Now I'd rather have the maintenance of pulling them out.
Now to your problem.... my guess is that the Axies are dying from the slate. Good chance that they have some type of sealer on them. I very much doubt it is the silicone. (if it is 100% rubber silicone) I know....Lock Tight has a silicone that states 'aquarium safe'. This does not mean other silicones are not safe. I made a post a long...........time ago about chemicals in our aquariums. See, to get the 'aquarium safe' label approved the company has to spend zillions of dollars for testing. If there is not a big enough market, not consumer based but commercial based, then it is not worth the cost of the testing. So a silicone the doesn't say 'aquarium safe' doesn't mean it isn't safe. They just do not want to pay the zillions of dollars for the testing because of the lack of "manufacturing" (opportunity) type sales. Volume that is .Not a 4 ounce tube here and there to your everyday Joe. Now.....let me go on the record....I DID NOT SAY TO GO AHEAD AND USE ANY SILICONE YOU WISH. I merely stated my OPINION about the different so called gradings of silicones. So if your Axies are dying it is not cause of me. Now........after I went thru this nightmare, I thought to my self.....have the bottom sand blasted to obtain a rough surface. That would be way too easy.
I would get the Axies out of there asap and get the slate away from the tanks. I hope you solve your problem.
I do want to ask you a couple of questions...#1 the silicone that you are using, is it 100% rubber silicone or is it some type of silicone latex blend?....(no blends) #2 Why the slate? For breeding purposes or just for decor?
Trace :animal:
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... I very much doubt it is the silicone. I know....Lock Tight has a silicone that states 'aquarium safe'. This does not mean other silicones are not safe. I made a post a long...........time ago about chemicals in our aquariums. ...

Same producers often have both aquarium safe silicones and those that are not suitable for aquariums. Those that are not aquarium safe usually have all kinds of chemicals to prevent fungus/mold etc. and those could potentially poison axies very quickly because axies absorb the chemicals through their skin. Ofcourse there can be silicones that are safe even if it doesn't say it on the tube, but personally I wouldn't risk it. Especially when you can get aquarium safe silicone for pretty much the same price as "regular" silicone.
I didn't say risk it. That is why I posted A COMMENT IN BOLD TYPE. My final questions were about the slate being used and what type of silicone they are using. I agree that they should not risk it. My post was not about risk, it was to get them to think.....why do I want to silicone in the first place? So I agree with you. Don't risk it. I didn't either. Again, ready okay read : Not worth the risk.
I've been considering getting some axlotyls and working on a tank setup for them. I currently have a barebottom planted tank. The bottom of the tank has been painted in the outside to create a look of old sand colored brick with moss growing in the crevices. I also have planted driftwood to create a look of underwater ruins. Do the axolotyls require a substrate or would my barebottom planted tank work with them too.


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