Question: GFP Axolotls in Australia?

Technically you could keep a GFP axolotl in Australia although all axolotl are banned from being imported. It's a shame but just enjoy all the colour varieties we have here already.

Regards Neil
Its a wonderful question, and boy am I jealous of all the people with GFP axies, zebrafish... (rabbits and even dogs!)

Unless you get one through a black market somewhere (assuming one existed), the answer as far as I know is no. They are genetically modified animals and theres tougher regulations on them even when compared to 'normal' axies if you could import those.

I have to admit though I've been tempted to make my own..... *grins like an evil scientist*... so anyone got some eggs I can have? :D
OK thank you for the replies Neil & Cas. That's a shame, but yes, we do have quite a few colours here and we must enjoy them - AND I DOO!! :D

Haha Cas.. ;)
Green Fluorescent Protein. Ultimately it makes your pet (axie/fish/rabbit/dog theres probably more I don't know about yet) glow under a UV backlight.

Japanese scientists isolated a RFP (Red colour) from a Discosoma coral and this was the original fluorescent protein. Since then GFP gene was isolation from a jellyfish (Aequorea victoria), and theres a whole range of mutant ones from blue and purple through to pinks and reds.

Just to explain what makes a GFP axie? Scientists insert the gene which encodes the fluorescent protein into the animal's DNA. Then the animal makes the fluorescent protein themselves making them glow green under a UV backlight. The process is a bit more complicated than that, but in summary thats what happens.

Scientifically these fluorescent proteins have huge role, commercially they are cool animals where someone in the science community has decided themselves (or shown someone else) that theres a market for GFP animals. And frankly? Isn't that why we read this thread... Cause we all want one? :p
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I would love one as well. We better love the ones we have and admire the others from a distance:cool:.
They look pretty cool... but we can't have them. :(

Must look on the bright side, we are allowed axolotls here, and we have quite the variety of colours to choose from.
I hadn't thought about that Sarah, given they aren't native animals we are pretty lucky I guess to have them at all.

Plus the process of making GFP animals in the first place can be pretty nasty with a lot getting mutations because you can't actually control where the GFP gene is inserted into the DNA (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't seen the patent so I can only assume their methods). But due to quarantine and import laws, I think that would be the only way that GFP axies would be available in Australia is if someone started producing them.

Besides, it would annoy me if I had to have a UV blacklight on all the time. I have visions of that friend's episode with Ross' freaky white teeth!
I don't think it is good to have the UV blacklight on all the time.
They are special in their own way, and I don't really like people messy around with these creatures DNA.. but have to admit those GFP axies sure look cool!
I assume they would've been created for research and the potential knowledge outweighed the risks, and I haven't read anything about them being infertile so worrying about their DNA being messed with for this purpose I guess is like shutting the barn door when the horses have already all run away with american axies.

And your right, its not good. I wonder if the UV from the light is enough to cause mutations in axies and humans. Generally blacklights are UVA which can cause cancer... I dont know about you, but I spend ages watching my axie... it would suck that this would prematurely age my skin and give me cancer!!!

I see it now, Axololt Kill's Human!
I assume they would've been created for research and the potential knowledge outweighed the risks, and I haven't read anything about them being infertile so worrying about their DNA being messed with for this purpose I guess is like shutting the barn door when the horses have already all run away with american axies.

Yes, originally, (to put it simply) they were created for research so that limb regeneration could be more easily traced. A few of these original "guinea pigs" ended up in the hands of breeders and the gene gets passed down through DNA so no, it definitely has not caused any infertility. The gene was pulled from a natural source so not so "Frankensteinish" as the artificial dyes that were/are being used in fish and such.

I don't even use a blacklight on my guys. Their greenish hue shows up quite well under normal lighting, especially those amazing emerald eyes.

Axolotls are beautiful, no matter the coloration anyway...:D
Gaah! Wish I'd seen this thread when it was being scribbled...So no way we can get a GFP or RFP into the country? Darn, and there goes my idea for my birthday present (six months out, plenty of time!).
Cas, are you studying genetics? Or is anyone out there? I'm certain if you actually want to try that many people (including myself if/when my current lot breed) would be happy to offer up some eggs to establish the lines down under.
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