Question: Getting away with not using baby brine shrimp.


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Mar 13, 2010
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Hey there,
I have found some eggs on ebay and would quite like to raise some more again...maybe. However this time I was wondering if I could get away with using microworms instead of baby brine shrimp for them. Its just that its a bit of a pain to do all the baby brine shrimp thing last time with me sharing a flat.

So what do you reckon?

Whiteworms alone are not suitable. They will work for a while, but long term they are not nutritious enough.
Perhaps Daphnia is a less messy option than brine shrimp, you could consider it. It works VERY well.
I can buy it but I think it would be mostly too big for them as hatchings, not too sure. I think I'll just have to use bbs for two or three weeks then switch to Daphnia.
I wouldn't recommend anything but BBS Dan - though saying that, buy a microworm culture off ebay so that you have a backup should your BBS fail.
I just got some 4 week old babies to eat frozen bloodworm and at 5 weeks one is eating pellets.
They have mixed foods BBS, grindleworm, frozen bloodworm nall at 4-5 weeks. So if you can train them young the food options are better and easier.

You can have some of my grindleworms if you want.

My last batch took quite a while, I managed to get them onto live bloodworm after a while which was better. I've learnt a lot from the first lot of eggs so I reckon I could ween them onto dead food quicker next time.
The more you raise the more you learn.
No batch are ever the same though.
You just have to persevere and not give them a choice lol!

They sure know how to wrap you round their little finger!
I find at 4-5 weeks its best to try frozen bloodworm first before live as most of the time the live ones come out undigested. They have been given a head start with digestion with the frozen.

I'm talking with them with regards to breeding but Finley isn't looking too good just now.

Not eating, just looking not right.
Could be the temp but its only on 21.
Will stick a bottle in.

Oh dear, keep me updated on him!
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