Gersfeld 2002



Well, as of today I know I'll be in Gersfeld from the 18th of October to the 20th for the DGHT's AG Urodela's annual meeting. I really didn't think I would make it this year, which would have been a shame, but thank goodness for Virgin airlines.

If anyone is attending who I haven't met in previous years and would like to meet up, please let me know ;).

The schedule for the meeting is here. I'm particularly looking forward to Uwe Gerlach's Taricha lecture, Max Sparreboom's Chinese Species lecture and Henk Wallays' Hynobius lecture.

All the best,

Yeah, it's getting to be interesting again. Of course, I'm partial to Chinese caudates as well and Henk's talks are always a treat. Hey, don't forget the talk "More than you ever wanted to know about filtrating caudate tanks"... ;o)

John, next year I want you to give a lecture on breeding Tylototriton spp. ... :eek:p
John, it would be great if someone could provide English summaries of the talks for those of us that are too far away to go. In the past, Henk has done this in his Urodela Newsletter.

As a more general question, is there any useful information about caudates in German (or other language) that could be translated and put on Caudate Central? I'm thinking of information (particularly on breeding) not printed under a publishing house copyright.
Kai: Well I could give a lecture on Tylototriton verrucosus, but Max Sparreboom has already done that in the late 90s at Gersfeld. I haven't tried (or been in a position to try) breeding the other species. In any case, I think T. verrucosus and T. kweichowensis are my main interests now, and if I can breed T. kweichowensis some day I will die a happy man *grin*.

Jen: I would be more than happy to provide English summaries. I think I might take a tape recorder with me this time because I want to be able to listen to the talks again myself (my listening comprehension in German is slow, and I'm flattering myself by saying that!). I think I will also take better/more photographs so I can present a piece on the web site about the meeting - I should have done that last year and the year before too since I had my camera with me, but it didn't really occur to me ;(.

As for useful information about caudates in German, I'm not sure what you're getting at if it's not in books or magazines? Can you clue me in a little bit? (it's probably very obvious but I can't see what you mean).
Thanks, John, I'm looking forward to the pictures and summaries! I was thinking of anything that has been written down, such as articles on the web, newsletter articles, I'm not sure what might be out there. Maybe summaries of actual published journal articles? I think I heard that the Dutch Royal Salamander circle was printing a book or something? Keep a look out. It seems that the Europeans are way ahead in captive breeding, and I'm just thinking there might be some written info on their experiences that we could get into English.
Well articles on the web and newsletter articles would be copyright of their Society - you would have to seek permission to reproduce them.

As for the book you describe, the Dutch Urodela Group just published a book to mark their 20th anniversary. Some of my photos are in it (all Tylototriton verrucosus). I should receive my copy by Friday this week.
Well silly me forgot to bring my tape recorder from Ireland when I was there last week, so I won't be able to record the sound at Gersfeld I'm afraid. I will have to get someone to help me out. My apologies.

<font size="-2">The townhall of Gersfeld</font></center>


<font size="-2">A view over Gersfeld</font></center>
Well, here's a quick overview of the Gersfeld meeting this year. I (John) was (and unfortunately still am) sick as a parrot for the weekend so I missed a lot of the lectures. However, with help from Reinder (who is a frightfully nice fellow) we have arrived at this little review into the weekend. John's text is in black and Reinder's is in <font color="808080">grey</font> (<font color="808080">gray</font> for people from the US!).

I thought the general standard of lectures was not on a par with 2000 and 2001 and this was echoed by others with whom I talked. Sunday's trading session was the largest I've seen however, with some very rare things not selling out (such as Neurergus kaiseri).

<ul>[*]Friday 18th October at 16:00 - Discussion of the Studbooks / Species Registers: I think the main conclusion of this was that not very much effort has gone into the studbooks as yet, and that the AG Urodela needs to take better advantage of the Internet for both its own needs and the species registers. I think we can expect to see something interesting happening to the AG Urodela site in the near future. <LI>Friday 18th October at 20:00 - Michael Franzen's lecture on his Animal encounters in Turkey: Michael confessed that this wasn't a new talk but as ever he presented some impressive photographs of everything from lizards to crustaceans. Speaking of which:

<font size="-2">A crab from Michael Franzen's talk</font></center>[/list]
<ul>[*]Saturday 19th October at 09:00 - Uwe Gerlach's talk about the genus Taricha: Uwe is possibly Europe's most experience Taricha hobbyist. His talk was quite informative with a plethora of photographs. <font color="808080">What was really interesting were the differences in eye colour between the species</font>. <LI>Saturday 19th October at 09:30 - Alex Kupfer's lecture on Thai amphibia: Some nice photographs of Caecilians but I thought it dragged on a bit. <LI>Saturday 19th October at 10:00 - Max Sparreboom's "Observations of Chinese Amphibians: Cynops, Tylototriton, Batrachuperus and Rhacophorus: Probably the lecture to which I was most looking forward. Max Sparreboom speaks very clear German, which is a great help if, like me, you struggle to understand most of what's going on in the first place!
He showed some fantastic photographs of Batrachuperus and his habitat photographs were nothing short of awe-inspiring. <font color="808080">As always a nice lecture with lots of info on several Cynops and Tylototriton species. Interesting was a photograph of Cynops orphicus which looks a lot like C. orientalis but more brown, and pictures of Tylototriton wenxianensis.</font> <LI>Saturday 19th October at 10:35 - Norbert Jömann's "Classification of Ranodon sibiricus based on head and tooth characteristics": There was some English in this
! Seriously though, Norbert showed us some very interesting photographs of amphibian teeth and internal head "configuration", and there was a dyed preserved example of one of these animals shown around so people could see the bone and cartilage formations very well. Perhaps a bit too scientific for most. <LI>Saturday 19th October at 11:05 - Hartmut Greven's "How expensive is sex for Urodela?": I only saw the beginning of this because I left due to feeling bad and Reinder missed it too. Professor Greven tends to give eccentric talks but I know this was highly anticipated - sorry we missed it. Any comments on it from others who were there would be greatly appreciated. <LI>Saturday 19th October at 14:00 - Günter Schultschik "Night of the Salamanders": <font color="808080">A nice video on what salamanders do at night and where they go. Nice images and a lot of fire sals.</font> <LI>Saturday 19th October at 15:00 - Kurt Grossenbacher "The spawning of Salamandrina terdigitata": <font color="808080">This was one of the best I think. It had lots of info on Salamandrina and how they were kept, how the egg laying went and what happened with the raising of the larvae which has proven quite diffiult when nearing metamorphosis. I hope this will change in the future, as more info is gathered.</font> <LI>Saturday 19th October at 15:15 - Günter Schultschik & Burkhard Thiesmeier "Present status of the newt register": <font color="808080">The German register for how many newts and salamanders there are being kept and bred by the AG Urodela members.</font> <LI>Saturday 19th October at 16:40 - Kai Erik Witte's "Filtration and Salamanders - Tips and practical solutions": <font color="808080">This lecture gave a lot of tips on how to filter your aquaria and there were various good methods described. Kai explained how you can easily make a filter without spending lots of money! And that’s a good thing!!</font> <LI>Saturday 19th October at 17:00 - Franc Mutschmann's "Fungal diseases of amphibians": If memory serves, there were a lot of slides of fungal infections on various parts of the animals, and Dr. Mutschmann went into detail on what makes these organisms tick. He did talk for a long time though. <font color="808080">Dr. Frank Mutschmann gave a long but interesting lecture on what fungal diseases there are and how to prevent them, and what to do when you have fungus on one of your animals.</font> <LI>Saturday 19th October at 17:20 - Henk Wallays' "Reproduction of Hynobius dunni": It's lectures like this that make Gersfeld so worthwhile to visit each year. Novel detailed information on relatively unknown species and their behaviour. Henk's talk and photographs were a nice supplement to his recent "Amphibians" article on the same species and he certainly piqued my interested in Hynobius. <font color="808080">A really nice leture too on the keeping and breeding of Hynobius dunni. Branches on the water level are really important, and the mating behaviour of this particular Hynobius was explained. Short and very interesting - that's the way I like it.</font>

<font size="-2">Henk describes how the Hynobius dunni male convinces the female to lay eggs on a submerged branch</font></center>[/list]
<ul>[*]Sunday 20th October at 09:00 - The Trading Fair: As always, there are a few surprises each year and unexpected species. It was a nice surprise to see someone selling Neurergus strauchii barani juveniles and adults for non-exhorbitant prices (maybe other vendors will take note). There was much more space available this year and it really helped to have everything accessible, rather than the usual mad-cap crush. <font color="808080">There were a lot of newts and salamanders being sold. The program says the trading is supposed to happen on Sunday but on Friday the trunks of the cars open and various species are already being sold and traded. Some nice species that were sold were Neurergus kaiseri, Neuregus strauchii barani and various Tylototriton species, including T. kweichowensis and of course the various kinds of fire salamander. There were many more though! Always nice to see so many enthusiasts together and I hope this lives on for a long time.</font>[/list]
Here are from photos from Trading Day:


<font size="-2">On the left, Günter Schultschik shows Patrick Steinberger what he has on offer this year, while elsewhere French, Dutch, Austrian, Spanish, Belgian, Italian and German enthusiasts inspect what's available</font></center>

<font size="-2">Henk Wallays makes the case for Hynobius</font></center>

<font size="-2">John Clare picks Sebastian Steinfartz' brain on Neurergus kaiseri (photo Reinder Haar)</font></center>

<font size="-2">Peter Umminger once again shows why he's Mr. Tylototriton</font></center>

<font size="-2">Worth their weight in gold?</font></center>

(Message edited by admin on October 24, 2002)
Hi John and Reindeer,

that was a nice summary of Gersfeld!

How much were the N.s.barani you mentioned?

(John: Yes, but only before feeding... ;o)

I was only able to participate on Saturday - that's definitely too short! IMHO this year's talks were more interesting than last year but maybe that's just me.

Yeah, I also liked Uwe's talk on Taricha.

And Max Sparreboom's "News from China" sequel will hopefully continue for years to come...

All those with a basic understanding of behavioral biology won't have got much news about "sex" so I guess you didn't missed much.

The Salamandrina videos were really nice! (And if you get a chance check out that TV movie - for a general audience movie it's pretty decent with caudate highlights from all over the world.

I'm still wondering wether Henk got some Eskimo genes or why he's so fond of hynobiid breeding behavior...

Best wishes,
To Uwe - as far as I can remember, the Neurergus strauchii barani juveniles were € 20 each.
This price is quit good! Compared to earlier demands!
Can you tell me who sold them (maybe on my private e-mail box)

I don't know the guy's name. He was selling Tylototriton shanjing metamorphs last year.

the guy who has sold T. shanjing last year is Michael Götz.

Thanks John and Reinder for your nice report and pictures, I hope you can join next year again;)


Does Michael Götz have a website or email address? I would like to acquire more Neurergus strauchii. I have two adults but I think they are both males.
I checked and it seems he doesn't have a web site or email address, or if he does have either, it's not public knowledge. In any case, they sold pretty fast on the day and I don't think he had any left at the end (he stopped selling stuff earlier than most people from what I can remember).
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  • jcjchdjdj:
    What are good worms for axolotls
  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
    My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple of pellets to see if she would eat. One hit her head and she flipped out. Started darting all around the tank. Temp, ammonia, nitrates are all in range. Anyone know why this is happening? I pu
  • Anlucero:
    I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his tank. I have a 20 gallon tank. No other tank mates. 2 hides and a bare bottom. I didn't feed him the last two days. His belly looks swollen and dark in color. I believe it is the food you can see. I fed him blood worms and soft quick sinking axoloty pellets. I tested his water today. Ph was 7.6. The nitrite and nitrate were both zero. The ammonia was 0.25 ppm. I was advised to cycle my tank due to the lack of nitrate. I added Seachem stability 10 ml to my tank yesterday and 5 ml today. I have a tank chiller. The water temp is set at 64. He is still active, but his tail floats up when he is moving about the tank. I am on the fence about fridging him. I also don't know how long to go without feeding him. I don't want to harm him. Please help asap. Thank you.
    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1