Genral check up


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May 7, 2007
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Zoe Naughten
Can anyone see if there is anything wrong with me fish-lizard seems ok i just put him in a new tank an wasnt sure
is it neither a fish nor a lizard! they are called axolotls and they are amphibians.sorry just thought id tell

what makes you think something is wrong with your axie? is it doing somehting out of the ordinary? or does it seem ill.i dont think anyone can tell you if there is anything wrong unless you tell us what the axie is doing that makes you feel it is unwell.
.but from the pic your axie seems fine to me.the gills seem small but that is normal for some axies.its gills arent facing forwards as a sign of stress.
.and there doesn't seem to be any sign of a fungal infection or any cuts etc.

this didnt mean to sound nasty by the

good luck.
Nah he wasnt doin anything different Hes just always had lots of markings an wanted make sure he didnt have a fungus or anything Im not sure if id know if my axie was sick Sorry ive always called m lizards recon it sounds cool
oh right.well he doesnt look ill to me. it think its just his markings.
Did you cycle that new tank before you put the axolotl in?
I set the tank up about a week before i put him in The only airation i have in this tank is the plant i want to see if this will make his gills grow an ive raised the temp to 20degreess I now have the white axie in the new tank as she seems to be a bit tougher
Cody, with the shrinking gills thing, I think it might be due to age as my wild type gills have progressively shrunk over the years. (See pic below)
He's otherwise healthy and happy, and his mate still has fluffy gills. But he's a bit of a weirdo anyway in terms of crazy colouring. Mine is around 8 years old and I think you said yours was 6? So, could be just aging.
Cody - the tank is probably not cycled in 1 week. The ammonia and nitrite that will build up in the tank will burn the axolotls gills, and cause undue stress not to mention its just not good husbandry.

If the tank they were in originally has been set up for more than a month, put them all back into that tank until the new tank cycles. Tank cycling takes usually around a month or more.

There are a lot of old posts on tank cycling, you may want to go back through the forum and read them.

Heating a tank to grow gills is a questionable practice at best, since axolotls enjoy cooler water not warmer water, and I really don't think heating a tank will make their gills grow.

Keeping good water quality and giving good care is the way for your axolotl to have the gills it was meant to have naturally.
Righto then im going fishn I was just about to dump the old tank an start anew Thank god for that Sorry if my incompitance worried you ive had axies for ages but i neva really put that much into em till i found Next week im going to get a 36"x18"x18" An line it with sand big rocks an heaps of weed im gonna have an attempt at breeding a few in the next couple of months all my toes are black an i got a fair bit of time on me hands these days Thanks for the advice this time ill try to be more patient
Anne-Marie, whats that reddish area around your axols eye? is it just part of his markings?
Thats the question Heather. It's just developed over time. I posted a thread under the Larvae and breeding topic, called "Strange Colouring" which came out inconclusive. Hes had it for ages now and is eating and breeding quite happily! It is weird though.
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