Illness/Sickness: Gas bubble in CFN larvae


Oct 22, 2008
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Canary Islands
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Hello all,

I have just arrived at home and I went to see my larvae tank, and surprise! of my larvae was floating :( At first, I have thought it was died, but it started moving. I turned on the light and I could see a gas bubble inside my little larva.

They both eat a lot everyday, I feed them with copepods, live daphnia, live and frozen bloodworms, and some kind of live fly/mosquito larvae (white ones). I change water everyday too, temperature is about 20.

What can I do?? or is it going to die? This happened from lunchtime until now. :(

Any advice would be great.
I wish I could help, but I have not had the good fortune of having larvae yet.

Good luck to you and the little guy! Please keep us posted. I hope you get the answer you need soon!!
Thanks crittermom, but luckyly, this morning it hasn't got any gas bubble o_O , and floats normally.
No one responded to my "Spinner?" post. I hoped to have some additional insight by now. I'm glad you posted as I'm curious to see how the experts respond. I separated my little one, who I think is a spinner larva, but I'm not sure. His swimming was fine upon hatching, but a week or so later he looked like he was floating. I went to get him and he moved, so I separated him. I tried to see if there were gas bubbles - not sure. Was it really obvious? I did have another thread about a larva either being born malformed or something and he was dead. This one is OK, eating, but I still have him separated.

I read in my other post (about the dead one, not the spinner) that someone said the bubbles look like bubbles where mine looked like he had part of his midsection missing. How exactly did yours look?

They said the water was often the problem, but it seems as though you're changing it quite often (as I am.) They also cautioned me about these larva making it, but then dying/drowning during morphing. I wanted more light shed on this, hence my other post about spinners.

Maybe he passed the bubbles and will be OK - I hope so.

Good luck. I have 16 larva and more eggs at the moment. Only that one other died just after hatching and then I have the one w/ the irregular swimming pattern.

I could see the gas bubble lighting larvae with a torch, which is quite transparent, and I could see a 3 mm bubble inside its little body easily.

I have seen many post about floating in axolots but nothing about newt larvae, it's so strange. I think that it could eat some algae filaments while it was eating white worms which sometimes are tangled with algae, and maybe this could cause gas during digestion.

Today, it ate normally again.
Wow - I'm wondering if that's what happened to mine, too. You kept yours in the tank with the rest? I wonder if mine could go back - I can't really tell if he's still swimming abnormally as he's in such a small container now. Maybe I'll give it a try tomorrow.

Glad yours has done OK.

Yeah, I kept it in the same tank, because it only has 1 "sibling"... They both are ok, but the best way is to isolate the sick animal.
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