GAH!!! Tank CRASH rant!!!


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Oct 22, 2010
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Sydney, Australia :D
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Firstly, can I just say how AMAZING my axolotls are?
Right, better get down to the nitty gritty...
I was going to feed Freddie, George and Phree tonight (After everyone else has gone to bed-it works for me...), and they were all sitting there, gills forward (Aren't they brilliant?) and pretty much saying "Something's NOT RIGHT!!!"
Turns out that my gorgeous babies were correct. The heat sink had decided to block up, and wasn't pumping/filtering/chilling, which is bad enough of itself, as the room they've been staying in has been going up and down with Sydney weather, heaters and general cooking etc,and the tank's only been held stable by the heat sink...
So I raced out to get my testing kit, thinking "might be an idea to see if it's only the chiller gone wrong", and I was lucky:eek:. Turns out the cycle (established over five months....) had crashed. I can pinpoint what I stuffed up- washing the sponge filter last weekend. I merely swished it around in a bit of (separate) tank water during the 35% change, but it was enough to send the cycle spiraling into the ground like a decommissioned satellite...
Owing to the fact that the temperature's just taken a nosedive, and most likely dragged the tank water's with it, i couldn't really do a water change (That and my overly exhausted SuperMum would squish me thinner than Clarke Ken ), and knowing that the other tank WASN'T crashed, I proceeded to move them out with my other three. So far, the others (peta, Izzie and Bertie) are holed up in the log,Freddie, George and Phree are getting used to the idea of deeper hides and fingers crossed, there will be six happy axies ready to greet me in the morning.
If you've managed to get past the rant, I was wondering if anyone has experience with Eheim canisters in general, and Eheim Ecco Filter 2036 Pro 300 specifically? As there are six out there, I want to make certain that I've got the best option for keeping them happy and healthy. Currently running an AquaOne F103, fingers crossed it doesn't stuff (again), and a box bubble-driven plastic thingy (what's the correct term?)
Many thanks in advance!!:happy:
i have a bunch of eheims, but never tried to ecco line. they're the best filters i've ever had and they're very efficient in filtering the water it turns over. the flow rate is less than most other filters as well which is good for your axolotls, but you should still monitor to make sure they're not getting too much.
Thanks, Aeri! Good to know, as we've had a whole lot of eheim PUMPS, but not an actual filtration unit. And considering all the axies were rather unimpressed at the AquaOne when it was running last night, most likely a good idea to upgrade and upgrade fast!

In a situation update, Peta likes Phree (And Phree seems to like Peta!), George likes the Sacrifical Alter, and poor little Freddie likes hiding up the back of the Rock Monument. As to Izzie, s/he is holed up in the log going "wth?" and Bertie has yet to make an appearance this morning. All of them had their gills a bit forward, so I have turned off the AquaOne which was really strong even at the lowest setting. GAH! Fingers crossed I'll be able to order the new filter within the next few days!
In the meantime, any suggestions for feeding? Currently they're on beef heart as I'm out of bloodworms (though hopefully I'll be able to get up to the LFS today and get some more- Freddie, George and Phree seem more comfortable with it), and the regular worms have all pack up shop and headed to the lower layers of the garden for the winter...
I have eheim 2213 and I havent had a problem with it. The flow is good and doesnt upset the axies at all. I have never had a problem with the water parameters either it appears to filter the water really well.
Hey I have an aquaone f103 too.. do u find it a bit on the noisy side?? ive had noisier.. but the sound of this one still bothers me..
When I first started using it, yup! But then I added in a massive fan fron the 80s, another pump and then the heat sink my dad made me... All in all, a noisy room. Currently the f103 is off as the babies were wigged out, but i'm running 2 two bore pumps, each running a filter and an airstone. Will be insane when I add in canister and chiller
I love the Eheims. Was considering getting one of their Pro 3 series as I just upgraded my axie filter yesterday...

Had an Eheim 2215 on my 72G (?) bowfront and I moved that over to my 36G cray tank. I battled between the Rena XP and the Eheims for the new axie filter and eventually I went with the Eheim Classic 2217. My 2215 has never given me an issue (despite what I hear about people's eheims leaking.... I've spoken to many eheim owners and although the internet claims this all the real-world people are thrilled with their products) and has worked beautifully for a year and a half now, so I decided to trust Eheim's products and went with the 2217.

It also works great (from the 2 days it's been on!) but I must say this thing is a BEAST and even with the spraybar I need to now find a way to reduce the flow/current in the water. Otherwise, the mechanical/bio filtration has worked for me!
so I decided to trust Eheim's products and went with the 2217.

It also works great (from the 2 days it's been on!) but I must say this thing is a BEAST and even with the spraybar I need to now find a way to reduce the flow/current in the water. Otherwise, the mechanical/bio filtration has worked for me!

After reading this im so glad i decided to order the 2215 instead of the 2217 i was worried about the amount of flow, it would turn my tank into a cyclone
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