~fun stuff help~



<font color="0077aa"><font face="verdana,arial,helvetica">\ Heya!! I've been getting lots of help and I've learned a lot about newts. I am really excited to get back home from school and get everything ready for my future newts but I really wish I could see more tank setups. I guess I have seen quite a few but I am really looking forward to making a nice home for them and want to see more. Does anybody know where I can find pictures of people's newt tanks? Can anyone post pics of their tanks for me? Thanks, and sorry that this isn't a "real" help question.
I've been doing some more searching and found J. Macke's "Photographs of My Tanks" page. Very helpful
Just to mention, I have also seen the "Tank Set-Ups" page here. I think I've found most things on the internet, so I guess I'm just asking for any photos you guys have of your own tanks that aren't online. I'm really considering having 6-8in. water with a small cork bark island and maybe a small ledge attached to a corner as a more sturdy land piece. Should I even worry about the attached piece, or is the floating bark alright? I think I really need to convince myself that these guys spend all their time in the water.
My Japanese firebelly, Sid, comes out onto his island maybe once a week or so. Probably less.
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